October 31, 2003

spooky poems

prplicon.jpg Thursday steps: 8253

The poem that I linked in yesterday's entry is one I wrote a couple of years ago. Daughter challenged me to write something spooky - something different than I usually wrote at the time. It was selected for the Writers Night readings the following spring.

This morning I received a phone call from a newsman from the local radio station asking my permission so he could read that poem live on the air - he had already read it on their sister station and wanted to read it on the am station. He also wanted to make sure I heard him do it. ;-) He didn't do too badly - rushed it a bit, so that the pacing was off, but boyohboy, can he do a spooky old granny voice! lol

And, of course, now I am wondering how I could have forgotten to take that poem to the reading at the college last night. It would have fit right in with the whole spooky theme. Ah, well.

The open mic night was interesting. There was no emcee, which turned out to be a mistake. The first "act" was a singer/guitarist/floutist which went way over the alloted time slot which put everything else way behind. After they finally got him to stop, things moved along at a bit more steady pace.

Enjoyed the pieces that were read by many - and even enjoyed some of the music, but some of the music was a bit much for my poor old granny psyche, I'm afraid. I left around 9:30 and they were still going strong.

Today was my last Friday at work - next week I will be back at my 30 hour pace, and 30 hour pay, and that's okay with me. I have been able to save up a little bit of the extra pay over the past couple of months - my Hawaii fund is growing a bit. Ali, I am leaning toward May for my visit. We will be celebrating our 35th anniversary May 10th and I think we both deserve Hawaii for lasting that long. Everyone in favor, say "Aye". Those opposed . . . too bad. Heh.

Have been looking over some B&B establishments near Hilo - may have a list for you, Ali, if you would give me your opinion. ;-))

Well, that's about it for tonight - we didn't have many trick-or-treaters tonight - we never do. The grands all came by, all except D who was with his birth mom. There was one other group of about 7 little kids and then 3 bigger boys came by - I still have chocolates if anyone wants some.

Have a great weekend - we are playing tomorrow - swimming with the grands and then a party at their house. Fun.

Posted by Purplemoose at October 31, 2003 10:33 PM

Our neighborhood is too old; we had about ten ghoulies and ghosties, total. It's been like that for about ten years. Since the dog goes berserk, it's probably just as well, but it's a shame.

Posted by: Linkmeister at November 1, 2003 07:38 AM

Aye! :)

Posted by: ali at November 1, 2003 08:49 AM

I didn't have a single trick or treater that I'm aware of. I was napping during the time they would've been making their rounds, but I think a knock on the door would've woke me up.

Actually, they probably were all downtown where there were special activities happening for the kiddies.

Posted by: Linda at November 1, 2003 04:12 PM

I'll ROAST YOU AND TOAST YOU until you are done . . .
I Love that!!!

Great poem Moosie.

Posted by: Lori at November 1, 2003 04:47 PM

Great poem! I'm going to try to print it out and read it to Lorena. She should be properly terrified by it!

Posted by: jadedju at November 1, 2003 06:38 PM

::bowing:: thank you, thank you. Jilly, be sure to use a proper witchy tone at the right spots. ;-)) I hope Lorena will still love me in the morning. lol

Posted by: purplemoose at November 1, 2003 06:50 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau