November 18, 2003

Time off and busy-ness

prplicon.jpg Sunday steps: 7143
Monday steps: 7128

Worked on tying up loose ends at work today. Getting police ride-alongs scheduled for the participants of our recent workshop . . . finishing up a couple of projects . . . clearing off the desk. Tomorrow we have our monthly staff meeting which will take up the afternoon. Thursday I have a meeting I need to attend over lunch, then need to take my lunch as well. (the meeting is on "company time") So, the days are full.

Why worry about a cleared desk you might be asking. Well, Thursday is my last day at work - until December. Goodness! December has snuck up on us. I have arranged to take two leave days over Thanksgiving week - and, those added to my regular days off plus the two days we get for Thanksgiving, will give me 10 days off. So as not to have to do it all when I get back, I am trying to get it done ahead of time.

That will include turning in my end of the month time sheet, telephone log, and mileage sheet on Thursday before I leave - and picking up my first of the month paycheck on the same day.

And, the fun part . . . I get to do this again NEXT month. I have arranged to take Christmas week off also.

Sometimes the perks are just so nice - they are greatly appreciated. After having worked in our family business for 20 years withOUT such niceties, well, it is just like getting a gift over and over again. I hope I never quit appreciating it.

What will I be doing on my week off? Oh, the usual - cleaning - playing with the grandbabies - cooking (Thanksgiving) - playing with the grandbabies - shopping (big annual bazaar next weekend) - playing with the grandbabies. Yes, you can see where this is going, can't you? We also have two grand-boy birthdays this week. Dezi will be 7 on Wednesday and Timothy will be 5 on Thursday. We will celebrate together on Friday with pizzas and Santa Clause 2.

Life is good. Have a grand Wednesday, friends.

Posted by Purplemoose at November 18, 2003 10:38 PM

It's so nice to have time off to plan and play, isn't it? The best perk of my university job is that we get the whole week of Christmas as paid holiday, without having to use vacation time. It's great -- we'll stay home and bake and play and go to the zoo. Have fun and Happy Birthday to the squinks!

Posted by: Skatemom at November 19, 2003 09:33 AM

Wooohooo! I think I can hear the sound of happy grandkiddos!

Posted by: ali at November 20, 2003 03:30 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau