November 23, 2003

Gobble, gobble

prplicon.jpg Sunday steps: 7143
Monday steps: 7128 • Tuesday steps: 8479
Wednesday steps: 9098 • Thursday steps: 7217
Friday steps: 7520 • Saturday steps: 6359
week's steps: 52944

Gobble, gobble - yup, it's getting close to turkey day. We took advantage of the free turkey offer at Fred Meyer last week (buy $100 worth of groceries and get a 10-15 lb. turkey free). Decided to do the same thing today when we went shopping and that one will be taken to the Food Bank tomorrow.

The Kenai Peninsula ABATE chapter held a fundraiser a while back. The funds were spent yesterday for families in area schools. Today hubby and his friends got together to pack up 112 boxes with a complete turkey dinner - all of the fixings you would want. Then they loaded up cars and vans and trucks and several garages tonight are keeping them cold for tomorrow's distribution.

Hubby and his buddy delivered three tonight. Tomorrow they will go to two schools together to drop off another 27 boxes and also to some individual familes they had been told about. Other members of the group will be distributing the rest of the boxes.

We live in a pretty small extended community - there are two "major" towns (Kenai and Soldotna) which are surrounded by several smaller communities, Sterling, Ridgeway, Nikiski, Kasilof. The area has lost some businesses (KMart for instance) which has put a lot of people out of work. Many are finding it difficult to survive. ABATE has done this for several years now, but I think this has been the biggest effort to date.

Club officers contact the school nurses because they have their fingers on the true need. No names are requested, they only ask how many boxes are needed. Then they are delivered to the nurses who contact the families to pick them up. It has always worked out really well.

On Dec. 6th ABATE will have their annual Toyz 4 Totz fundraiser. They will use the monies raised for a big shopping trip at some local stores. Without KMart this year, the funds won't go quite as far, but they will do what they can. One mom and pop owned store in Soldotna always supports hugely, so the bulk of the money will be spent there.

The toys and other items (mittens, scarves, boots, teen-type gifts, etc.) will then be distributed through the Salvation Army Christmas program.

Yup - snow, fundraisers - Thanksgiving - Christmas is on its way.

Posted by Purplemoose at November 23, 2003 09:24 PM

SNOW!. lol. that was my favorite word in your writing today.

We have many specail people around. I have been on the recieving end of the generocity and on the giving end. Iw as special enought o have parents that tought me. even when I thought we were having it rough there are worse out there. and we are able to help even if it is the shirt off our own back.

Thanks to abat and others out there it will be a good holiday for many.

Posted by: Ladybug at November 24, 2003 09:28 AM

You know, this reminds me that I must find a toy drive - there has to be one around here somewhere - there always is at this time of year. And it always cheers me to no end to go buy toys...

Posted by: batty at November 24, 2003 08:28 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau