December 02, 2003

a really nice thing

happened today . . .

Remember the tree that was decorated in purple? We received a call yesterday that it had not been sold at the auction, and that the company that paid for the tree and the decorations wanted to donate it to the shelter. It was a bit of a comedy getting it to us, but that was accomplished with only the topper gone missing.

Today we received another call - this time from Agrium, the company that paid for the tree and the decorations, to let us know that our tree had won 2nd place in the popular vote contest. Second prize came with a $500 advertising budget at the local radio station. Agrium donated it to our agency.

Now, that is truly a nice thing. The director is making plans on how best to utilize that nice budget. First place, btw, received $1500 worth of advertising. We don't have a radio advertising budget - we do spend some money on newspaper ads with a preventive message. So, it will be nice to convert some of those print ads into radio ads.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Ladybug had a rough start today - wander over and give her a hug, will you? She is doing better tonight. But hugs are always nice.

That's about it for me tonight - hope that you all have a wonderful Wednesday.

Posted by Purplemoose at December 2, 2003 10:07 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau