December 04, 2003

a gentle caress

A massage therapist is going to give 15 minute massages to the staff at one of our offices. As volunteer coordinator for the agency, things like this come across my desk. I have to track the stats, you see.

Along with the note came her brochure. I sat reading it during a lull time this afternoon. One of the statements caught my eye and has been niggling at me all day - and on into this late (for me) night.

(paraphrased) massage can ease the longing for the loving caress you are missing.

no, that is not quite how it was worded - drat, the brochure is on my desk at work. But, the meaning of what I have typed here is what I heard in my heart.

I used to get massages by my sister-friend's twin sister. Then she had a heart attack and can no longer do the intense deep muscle massages. I have had a hot stone massage by another therapist. They were all wonderful.

And, they all caused me to cry at times, to sigh at times, to moan in delight (step back from the gutter m'friends) and to ache for more. Each massage filled a need that I have - the need to feel warmth from another human - the need to feel a caressing touch - the need to feel love - the need to feel.

Other than my grandchildren who love me dreadfully, and whose hugs strengthen and delight me . . . other than my daughter's "love you, mama" which thrills my mother's soul . . . other than the hugs from my friends at church . . . I miss being held and loved and caressed as if I mattered. I know, I have much and I should not complain.

we have had nearly 35 years together. the first 20 had many hugs. I will cherish those.

I think I need a massage - I feel the need for a good cry in a safe place.

night, friends.

Posted by Purplemoose at December 4, 2003 11:31 PM

Great post, Baba. I have never had a professional massage, always wanted to, though. I'll bet I would feel much better--physically *and* emotionally--at this point in my life than any other time.

Now I kind of feel like crying. hah

Posted by: Lorraine at December 5, 2003 06:34 AM

Momma I would give you one of those famiouse foot rubs of mine. But my hands arnt what they used to be and go to sleep to fast. I am sorry for that. BUT I tell you what. I will make sure to hold your hand more. I love you Momma!

Posted by: Ladybug at December 5, 2003 08:57 PM

Indeed, there is power in the human touch. I'm looking forward to your visit--you do know that I am a licensed massage therapist, right? Haven't been doing much with it since the broken hand but I still remember a thing or two. ;)

Posted by: ali at December 7, 2003 06:17 PM

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