December 17, 2003

progressive thoughts

Wish I had had the presence of mind to take photos as it happened - but how was I to know it was going to happen this way? Sigh.

The house across the street from us has been progressing daily in its Christmas lights display. And, it just hit me tonight that it has happened greadually until it is quite . . . erm . . . festive - yes, that's it - festive. (or tacky - depends on your point of view, I guess)

It started out innocently enough - lights around the living room and two bedroom windows, and a swag on the door. Ahhhh. Then a flashing sleigh and reindeer appeared beneath one of the windows. Ohhh-kaaaay, not too bad.

And, then tonight! I look outside and my eyes have been burnt! The light! Oh, no, the light!! Okay, it's not quite that bad - but almost. Now there are icicle lights dripping from the eaves, lights in the shrubs, and traveling blinkers around the garage door and the front door. Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow night. ;-)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I feel like scrooge next to them, you see. I haven't decorated - haven't put up the tree - haven't sent Christmas cards - haven't . . . . oh, but I HAVE wrapped a few presents. I'd better get busy.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Want to do something nice for a third grade class? A friend of mine sent me a note telling of a class in Cincinnati, Ohio that is collecting postcards from around the United States. I have already written out mine so that they can have one from Alaska.

If you are interested in sending one from your state, drop me a note and I will give you the information. Okay? They are asking for them to be postmarked from the 19th onward.

And, with that I am going to close this off. I work one more day and then I am off for 10. We are having three Christmases - sort of. One daughter and family will come Sunday. The other will come Monday. My sister and niece will come Christmas Day. Too much fun.

Posted by Purplemoose at December 17, 2003 10:57 PM

Yeeehaw! 3 Christmas'!

Posted by: ali at December 21, 2003 03:21 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau