December 28, 2003

Sunday evening

Received a note from the Alaska HOG (Harley Owners Group) webmaster on my last entry. He has set up a memorial page for John Watson, and an article on the Kenai HOG Chapter main page if you would like to see them.

I have been by the funeral home several times in the past two days - hubby's shop is just past it and I am driving him to and from work. Each time I have passed there has been at least one, and more often two, police vehicle(s) in the parking lot. Taking four hour duty stints, area law enforcement officers are standing honor guard over John's body. They will be there until the funeral service Wednesday afternoon.

In addition, Governor Frank Murkowski has ordered state flags flown at half staff.

The funeral will be held at Kenai Central High School's auditorium, which is a 900 seat theatre. I imagine that it will be standing room only. Law enforcement representatives from around the state will attend, as will city and borough dignitaries and the Lt. Governor.

Area bikers will likely be there in force as well. Sadly, we won't be able to ride him out of town, due to snow and ice. He would have liked that, I'm sure. I imagine that we will have a big ride this spring or summer in his memory.

Again, thank you all for reading, for your notes. It helps getting it down on "paper".

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Why my grandkids can make me smile - ALL of the time:

Our phone rang this afternoon. 4 year old Miss Jessi had been our shopping companion today and for her toy she had chosen a play cell phone. All of the way home she whispered over and over (and I have no clue as to why she was whispering OR why she was saying what she was) The phone is just a toy . . . the phone is just a toy . . . the phone is just a toy . . . All the way to her house.

So, back to the phone call this afternoon. Daughter says Your granddaughter! What? What did she do? She wanted to watch her movie and I told her to wait awhile. So, she picked up her new phone and dialed some numbers and chatted a bit . . . . Yes???

Then she walked over to me and said You have to do what YOUR mother says! Yes??? She says you have to let me watch my movie now.

Oh, my good Lord. I was crying, because I was laughing. So I told daughter that she needed to let that baby watch her movie. Whereupon daughter replied She's watching her @#$%+_)*(&^%$#@ movie!

Well, all rightey then! They are so precious, are they not? And, not the least bit fresh or spoiled - really, they are not. This one is going to give her kindergarten teacher a run for her money next year, I'll tell ya.

Lessa, honey . . . THIS one you deserve. ;-))

Posted by Purplemoose at December 28, 2003 09:19 PM

*sulk* do not. *mutters*

Posted by: Lessa at December 28, 2003 11:14 PM

OH YES YOU DO!!!!!!!

Thank you for the links to the site for John. I was remembering more fun that we watched him have this summer. we were getting gas on our way out to the swiming pool and he was there gasing up the Harley. Kinzie being so excited wanted himt o RATTLE MOMMIE. So I asked and he was MORE than happy to ablige. gave the baby a smile the rest of the way out to the pool. Thank you for the smiles John.

Posted by: Ladybug at December 28, 2003 11:25 PM

:) Ooooh! How precious is that?! Not even in school, yet---yeeeehaw!

Posted by: ali at December 29, 2003 10:19 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau