February 03, 2004

Same Age

yup, I'm no longer the old(er) lady - hubby is now the SAME age as I am. Yay!

We celebrated by going to see granddaughter play basketball. And, then we all went to Subway for dinner and present opening. He got a card from Lessa and family. Ladybug finished putting patches on his denim motorcycle vest for me - my machine broke while I was doing it before Christmas. And I gave him a gift card to buy a set of Star Trek Next Generation dvds. He will wait until the one he is missing comes into stock and then he will pounce.

And a good time was had by all.

Miz Kitty's hubby also celebrated his birthday today. AND, the sports guy from Channel 2 news in Anchorage and his wife had their first baby today. (nearly 9 pounds of fuzzy headed boy)

The Neighbors columnist in this morning's paper gave hubby's name and birthday announcement so he received a number of phone calls and walk-in well wishers today. So, I think, all in all, he had a good birthday.

Oh, one other thing - he had to go to the DMV office to renew his driver's license . . . and there was NO ONE in line. They still made him pull a number and "wait his turn" though. lol

No treadmill tonight - instead, we watched Johnny English after dinner. Oh - and I was interviewed by my oldest grandson for a class project on the Olden Days.

He and I both laughed at some of the questions. He decided that maybe they were geared toward someone a bit older than I am. Sweet of him to notice.

Scratchy throat and clogged sinuses tonight, so I am going to get off here and head for bed - just as soon as I peek in a few of you.


Posted by Purplemoose at February 3, 2004 10:30 PM

Wasnt Johnny English just the funniest thing. We sat here and LAUGHED AND LAUGHED. Heck I almost Peed myself. Okay Okay not ALMOST. LOL

Posted by: Ladybug at February 4, 2004 08:40 AM

sounds like a lovely birthday.

Hub is 18 months older than me, so for half a year, I harass him about being a cradle-robber. Nevermind that I was really just 17 when we started dating!

Posted by: Skatemom at February 4, 2004 10:03 AM

laughing with Skatemom -
we were only 15 when we met and started dating. We were only 19 when we married.
so we are still young, despite having been married nearly 35 years. ;-))

Posted by: barbara at February 4, 2004 12:41 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau