March 07, 2004

at long last

At last my stint in the Blog Madness is over. It was much fun while it lasted and, to be honest, the story of Timothy lasted a lot longer than I figured. Thank you everyone for voting when you did. To have come from an original group of 116 down to the last eight . . . well, that was just some kinda fun. Congratulations to my last opponent. It must be the name, but I think that I was defeated both times by a "Kevin" and that is my SIL's name, also. Hmmmmm what am I being told here? LOL

So, there will be two more rounds - the final 4 and then the championship. The blog entry I thought would be the winner of the entire thing was defeated this round also. So, I will have to re-think this and come up with a new guess for the winner.

In the meantime . . .

I walked for an hour on the treadmill tonight - raised up a blister on my left heel. I've gotten one several times on the right heel, but this is a first for the left. So, I marked down my miles and steps and then went out and used hubby's bike for half an hour. He was not home - had taken a young friend to the airport at 7 and did not get home until after 9 - so I felt free to use his machine. Got in 5 plus miles on the bike - divided the total by 4 to come up with a reasonable guess at total mileage for the Walk to Nowhere challenge. All is happy dappy in my little world.

Thanks for the comments on yesterday's entry. Looks like I have a lot of company in people who do not plan to attend their high school reunions. ::g:: I'm also finding out those who graduated in the same year. ;-)

Well, I had best go and get my beauty sleep - I have a presentation to make at the college tomorrow night. Part of my program plan is to present agency information and volunteer information (seeing that I am the volunteer coordinator and all that) before different groups. This will be before the Social Works class that meets in the evening. I will only be there for about 1/2 hour. Travel to an from takes it up to about 1 1/2 hours - so I will leave work early by that much. Actually I am considering doing a working lunch at my desk and leaving 2 1/2 hours early. That way I can get in my time on the treadmill and get spiffed up again before the trip out to the college.

btw - it is a bit ironic that the only letters I have after my name are OJT (on the job training) and yet I will be addressing a "rapt audience" on a college campus. Heh.

Goodnight friends. And, thank you again for your votes.

Posted by Purplemoose at March 7, 2004 10:44 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau