April 29, 2004

It's Official

Today was weigh-in day . . . . (drum roll if you please)

268 pounds. <----- highlight to see

Now, don't gasp and turn blue on me, that is a GOOD thing. You see, nearly two years ago I weighed 68 pounds more than that. And, in September when I began the 10,000 Step Program I weighed 36 pounds more than that.

Little changes - BIG results. Yes, I am stoked. My clothes either are bagging on me . . . or beginning to look goooooooood. (depends on the size I grab) There are several pairs of slacks that are going to have to be given away soon. I have already given away all of my dresses but one.

That is the one downside to all of this losing weight stuff - I have to shop for new clothes. It has never been a favorite thing of mine to do. Do you know that they just don't make cute clothes for the (ahem) larger woman? I have detested looking like the quintessential little old fat lady in my black (always black) knit pants and XXXL tee-shirts. My dresses looked like muu-muus and had enough material in them to outfit several children.

So it is a victory when I shop now and can find that one pair of jeans or non-stretchy pair of slacks that actually looks good on me. And, to be able to button my blouses all the way down to the last button, without fearing gaps or it popping off against my ever lovely tummy.

Yes, folks, these are all victories - hard fought and hard won - and muchly appreciated.

Now, anyone want to go for a walk with me?


Posted by Purplemoose at April 29, 2004 02:31 PM

WOW! Am I impressed? You bet your bippy I am. That is awesome, BaBa, I wish some of your determination would rub off on me. Hah.

Congratulations! Very cool. ;)

Posted by: Lorraine at April 29, 2004 02:54 PM

Oh wow, congratulations!! Good things come to those that work hard!

As for the clothes, I love shopping at Blair Online (www.blair.com). They are a catalog company and I really like their clothing -- and it comes in the larger sizes! My only beef is that at 5'4" not as many of their pants come in petite women's sizes. Fortunately, enough of the ones I like do that I usually buy them up in several colors. At any rate, if you don't like shopping, they are a great source!

Posted by: Heather at April 29, 2004 06:54 PM


Posted by: Lisa at April 30, 2004 04:05 AM

You RAWK!!! Doin' the happy dance for you! It's paying off, bit by bit. And, the shopping gets better, trust me on that. You've got to get rid of the baggies or you end up expanding to fit them again. And you deserve it, too!

Dancing continues!

Posted by: Skatemom at April 30, 2004 05:27 AM

How great! I'm so happy for you. Getting into smaller sizes is the Best feeling. Take care!

Posted by: Bre at April 30, 2004 07:34 AM

Mommie *BEAMS* as allways I am MORE than proud of you! I am happy to see you doing so well. Wont be long and I believe that we will be sharing clothes. That will be fun becouse you allways get some really cool stuff. Love ya Mom keep up the hard work and if you push the girl or cary the baby I would LOVE to come and walk with you. it is allways fun to run next to your walking high speed pace......

Here is a dance just for you!!!

Jen doing the *Happy jig*

Posted by: Ladybug at April 30, 2004 08:22 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau