May 21, 2004

PAUSE: Amazing Grace

or "gimpy sue" as my children would call me.

A short pause in the tales of our trek to Hawaii. I went to the final event for the 10,000 Step Program last night (Thursday). I should have, instead, gone to either my writers group meeting OR to my grandson's little league game. Hindsight is 20-20.

Instead, I went for final weigh-in (Hawaii showed on the scale, but it will come off again) and a trek down to the river with a ranger. The trail head should have warned me, but noooooooooo. First we descended a very steep dirt hill and took up the trail which is debris and root strewn . . . gingerly making our way through the woods, up and down hills and some wooden steps and over metal grating which is protecting smaller streams and the habitat.

The Kenai River is low and gorgeous at this time of the spring. No fishermen yet as that section is closed to protect the King Salmon until August. So, it was just us and a knowledgeable guide. All's good so far. We trek back upwards and over across the Slikok Creek and down again to the river. Still good.

We head back . . . and after crossing a wooden walkway and coming back down onto the path, I was suddenly seeing the forest from a new perspective. From my back. My ankles were both screaming and I was hard put not to scream along with them. But, I am Alaskan . . . I am tough . . . I am a nut! I was helped back up and gingerly made my way painfully back to that dratted hill. Now I had to climb UPWARDS with two bad ankles.

The woman who was carrying her baby on her back helped me from time to time. (oh, the shame of it - not) We finally made it back to the parking lot where I said good-by to everyone and made my way to my car. Sat there a few minutes, then drove home to meet hubby and follow his suggestion to go to the hospital to see how much damage had been done.

Thankfully, there are no cracks, fractures, breaks!!! But, two damaged ankles - one in an aircast and the other in an ace bandage. The doc thought about two aircasts, but said it would be too difficult to walk.

I am to be on bedrest - or at least keep my feet up - for two days. Then I am allowed limited duty, but can go back to work on Monday (he told me my timing was impeccable), albeit with the cast and bandage for two weeks still. Then I am to go to some PT to strengthen the ankles, and I am supposed to wear ankle high boots for any further trekking.

He gave me pain meds to help me sleep and sleep I did all day today. I am sneaking in here during a potty break and will shortly make my way back to my cave-like lair. Just wanted to let you all know that the Hawaii story will continue shortly. Honest.

Take care, friends - and watch out for those roots!

Posted by Purplemoose at May 21, 2004 07:51 PM

Ack -- glad you are mostly ok and it wasn't major injuries! *hugs*

Posted by: Cat at May 21, 2004 10:41 PM

Yikes. I'm sticking with paved paths from now on, please join me!

Posted by: jadedju at May 22, 2004 08:20 AM

Oh Yuck!!! Bad ankles are waaayyyy not cool!

Posted by: Mary Lou at May 22, 2004 09:13 AM

Will visit today when the birthday party is at YOUR house. you silly oman but if it will keep you down we willdo it that way. still have to ice the cake but I LOVE YOU! stay down and get well.

Posted by: Ladybug at May 22, 2004 09:31 AM

Did you forget to leave a sacrificial object for Pele?

Get better! (I've had a cast on one ankle/foot; I'm having an easy time imagining it on both, and it wouldn't be fun).

Posted by: Linkmeister at May 22, 2004 10:30 AM

Moosie!! You're not gonna grow up to be one of those crazy old women who fall down and break both wrists are ya??? ; )

Posted by: Lisa at May 22, 2004 12:15 PM

thanks for your notes, everyone. And, yes, Lisa, it would be just like me to become the crazy old woman with both wrists in casts. LPL ;p~~~~~

Linky - so THAT's what we forgot. sigh! At least I knew enough not to bring home any of her rocks.

Jilly - anytime, my friend, anytime. ;-)

Posted by: barbara at May 24, 2004 08:50 AM

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