June 09, 2004

Little League Chic

Imagine, if you will . . . dozens of parents and grandparents and assorted siblings . . . resting on their laurels on metal bleachers watching their loved younguns playing little league ball.

See them? Wait, look again. This is not your normal, everyday, ragtag band of spectators watching baseball on a hot summer day, chomping on a dog and swilling a brewski. Nope, not in a million years.

This dedicated and loving group is dressed in a wild array of colors, many of them clashing spectacularly. They are huddled under layers of clothing - long sleeved shirts topped by long sleeved sweatshirts topped by down-filled parkas complemented by billowing fleece scarves and long-billed ball caps with brightly colored socks underneath their birkenstocks - and, the piece d'resistance . . . a down or fleece comforter thrown over their legs (and if they are lucky, one under their seats to protect against the cold metal bleachers - did I mention that it was C.O.L.D.????).

Good grief, moosie, what on earth have you been drinking? Not nearly enough, my friends. You have just witnessed through my eyes (with a mirror aimed back at myself) a tiny bit of Kenai Little League Chic.

Yes, where else but in Kenai, Alaska; where the little league fields stand atop a bluff facing Cook Inlet; where the slightest breeze (okay - it was more than that last night - let's say a windstorm) will bring in the cold, cold, C.O.L.D. fog; where the nachos and frito pies and "hot" chocolate from the snack shack all take on the appearance of frozen popsicles before they make it back to the stands . . . where else but here would you find summer little league fans dressed as if they were going ice fishing. . . and still complaining of the cold?

Yes, folks, it is summertime in Alaska. Where the temps reach 50 or 60 degrees and we complain of the heat. Yep, right here. Ball field temps are at least 10 degrees cooler, and on nights like last night, about 20 degrees cooler. Brr.

Last night I watched "the boy" (as his mama calls him), my first born grandson, play ball. I've not gotten to see him play much this year due to the vacation and then the injury, so I was tickled to watch him last night. They played a good game - played their hearts out.

But, manohmanohman was it ever cold. (answer - yes) I wore a sweatshirt (purple of course) and a jacket (blue denim) AND an alpaca poncho (gray and black zig-zag pattern) overtop that - topped off by my baseball cap (beige) and a fleece scarf (white and pink - breast cancer ribbon patterned) tied overtop the cap and over my ears. Hey, fashion, smashion . . . this gramma moosie was C.O.L.D.!!

Would I do it again? Yup. Will I remember to take pictures? I hope so, because, friends you have GOTTA see this. We are amusing, amusing, amusing. And we care not what others think, either. ;-)

Have a wonderful Wednesday, friends.

Posted by Purplemoose at June 9, 2004 08:33 AM

Now THAT, my friend, is true dedication!!

Posted by: Heather at June 9, 2004 05:51 PM

LOL!!! bahahahhahahaha .... we are COLORFULL arnt we????

I lvoe you momma moosie. thank you for taking the pictures tonight I enjoyed them greatly. there are even walls up today. it is a BEAUTIFULL SIGHT. another happy family..... with another WARM HOME!.

Posted by: Ladybug at June 9, 2004 08:43 PM

I can so relate! our springs are cold and wet and foggy, and windy!!

I have a picture of Kodiaks little league field, I took when I was there. Nothing but crushed gravel! no grass, no dirt, just crushed gravel. Damn, you would surely not want to slide into third on that field!!!

Posted by: Mary Lou at June 10, 2004 11:55 AM

I can't even begin to imagine what cold is like. Been too many years since we left Caribou Maine. (and Rapid City S.Dak, and Topeka Ks) lol

Posted by: Bonnie at June 10, 2004 06:06 PM

Sounds like perfect football weather to me. Winter is great, though. Beats sweltering heat and humidity anytime!!

Oh wait a minute, you're talking *baseball* plus cold. No, that doesn't sound right at all.

Posted by: Lorraine at June 11, 2004 03:00 PM

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