June 12, 2004

Softball in Anchorage

I was asked to accompany "The girl" to Anchorage for her first away game - Mom and Dad were taking "the boy" to Homer for his game. She and I hit the road shortly after 7 this morning, arriving in the big city just after 10.

With better than an hour to kill we did what any normal female would do . . . we went shopping. First to wally's where we wandered and window shopped and each bought a book. Then we saw a "Church Parking Lot Sale" sign and followed it to see what we could see. She bought a dress and some pretties and a toy for her sister. I found a baby backpack and shoes for Isaiah and a Minnesota moose for the PurpleMoose's company.

Upon arriving at the field, we were greeted by a nice welcome . . . (click for larger views)
Pretty cool, huh? That's the coach standing there.

In the distance we were treated to a nice view of Sleeping Lady.
sleeping lady
(follow the two links to read the legend and to find the book by Ann Dixon.

The girls played very well - the Abbott O' Rabbit team was tough. But, I think that it was a good learning experience for them all. The coach and parents bought pizza for dinner afterwards and we had a good time together all around.

But, it was a busy day for some . . .
tired girl
I took this over my shoulder - she fell asleep not even five mintes out of town. She woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at Girdwood, about 30 miles later and, while not exactly talkative, she did stay awake the rest of the way home.

And a great time was had by all. Yup.
Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at June 12, 2004 11:26 PM

And a great time was had by all!!! One thing about Little League games, the loss is only felt for a few minutes, and then they are on to something else!

Posted by: Mary Lou at June 13, 2004 02:16 PM

Sounds like you're having fun, and healing up well. :-)

Maybe Lessa knows something about this - some of my friends' independent blogs have syndication feeds, which means I can syndicate them through Live Journal and actually follow your adventures in my friends' page, which is where various journals I am following come together.

The first couple of lines and a link appear, and it would remind me to come and look.

I'm following Carolyn's and Steph's and Tony's Alaska trip that way. (They just made it into Canada.)



Posted by: Linda at June 13, 2004 03:23 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau