June 25, 2004

Road Trip

my trip to Anchorage Thursday was very nice. I was able to leave work at 3 in order to deliver some posters and run registrations on my out of town. Hit Anchortown shortly after 6 and found my B&B. Got all of the business taken care of, changed clothes, and headed for the restaurant.

We all sort of straggled in on our own time schedules. ;-) Carolyin, Steph and Tony were the latest ones. I had the folks downstairs at the restaurant keeping an eye out for them - she has electric blue hair - hard to miss. Carolyn was tickled at my description and said that "it worked!"

Peter had flown back home the previous day so we did not get to meet him. Shucks! They'll all just have to come back. Tony wants to do it on dirt bikes next time - so that they can take all of the side roads they passed by.

snowgoose group

Left to right: Liz (I think - just met her), Jamie with husband Jon behind her, Tony, da moose, Carolyn, and Stephanie. There were several others there, but they had wandered off by the time we got the group pic taken. Thanks to Sherry for her photo skills.

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During the evening I called Lessa's cell number several times. The boy was playing in game two of a single elimination tournament. Their win Tuesday night gave them the right to play last night. Oh, the excitement!!! Each time I called it seemed to grow and grow. They scored the first two runs while I was on the phone with her the first time. And, each time before I hung up the phone I had everyone at the table yell with me: GO REDS!

Must have worked - the ending score was . . . 12-2!!!! They won! And, he got his first hit of the season!!!! Yay!!! This Gramma will have her haunches planted firmly in the bleachers Saturday morning to watch the final game. We are all so proud of you guys.

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MY B&B was very nice. If you look at the photos you will even see the room I stayed in - the Red Room. Just a few blocks from downtown proper, it was so nice and quiet. Very peaceful. I was left to my own devices, having been given the tour when I arrived and knowing now where everything was. I slept until I was ready to wake up (8 or so) - didn't even set the alarm. After my shower I fixed a plate with fruit and muffin and a glass of juice and sat and wrote in my journal for a bit. The upstairs tenents went about their own business and I didn't get to see them before I left.

But I did take a couple of pictures in the back yard as I left.


This is a view of the entry way. Not sure what that tall building is in the background. But that lets you see just how close it is. The B&B is on 11th and the main business area of downtown is on 4th - the restaurant was on 3rd.


A flower picture for Lolo and Dan. I love lilacs - this tree/bush still had blooms. Most of the bushes around that area were washed out by rain a few weeks back. And, oh, the smell! Heavenly.

There were daisies and poppies and several other flowers whose names I don't know or cannot recall. Very pretty.

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After doing some shopping at wally's for the Ladybug, I headed home. The one radio station that comes in fairly clear through the mountain passes is a talk radio station. One of the shows that I listen to as much as I can is the Clark Howard show. He always has great tips and the calls that he gets are interesting for the information they bring out, too.

Today he talked about something that is important to all of us - especially any who might count on a 7 day (or longer) float on their checks when they make payments. He called it Check 21. You can read about it at the link. Basically it will make cancelled checks obsolete - it'll all be done digitally - and (the really important part for those floaters out there) - the money will be deducted immediately and automatically from your account. So, it had better be there, huh?

Well, the boy has a game in the morning, so I am going to leave you for now. Have a great Saturday.

Posted by Purplemoose at June 25, 2004 09:56 PM

Hey, thanks! I bookmarked the B&B site for future reference! Someday I will travel there!!

Posted by: Phyllis at June 27, 2004 10:03 AM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau