July 21, 2004

At least - the sequel

At least . . .

You know, there is always a rhyme and a reason. Things will always work out. Sometimes we just have to step back . . . say "at least" . . . and appreciate what we have left . . . before we can go on and see what might be ahead.

I've been offered a part-time job with a small non-profit which will augment my salary with the larger non-profit. And, there is no conflict of interest, even! So, that is pretty cool in itself. I can pretty much write my own hours - 10-15 a week - and do things that I am good at doing; newsletter editing for one, building - or rebuilding - their web page, PR, etc.

Pretty cool, huh? (you may need to remind me later that I had this bout of enthusiasm. I'm sure you will all be up to that reminder - right? right.)

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A quick aside . . . CONGRATULATIONS to JadedJu for her new job! Woo-hoo, friend! Proud of you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On another note - I have made arrangements to travel to Ohio next month to visit with my aunt. She is having back surgery, btw, tomorrow - so if you can spare a thought for her, I would appreciate it. I was wondering a bit if my leave would be approved by the director - so was very pleased to get it back quickly from her with an OK. I think she knows that I need to take a bit of time off.
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We had our monthly staff meeting today - and the director gave us a lot of time to speak out on our feelings about the cutbacks and such that have just occurred. It was a bit slow going at first, but people did some sharing and that is cathartic. The amazing thing is that everyone is, while a bit stunned, so supportive of the mission of the agency. The underlying comment was - the clients come first. We are still able to serve the clients. And, that, my firends, is the bottom line. But how reassuring to the director to hear person after person say that today.

A few tears were shed, and hugs were shared. That, too, is cathartic.

A good day all the way around, I think. Have a great Thursday, everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at July 21, 2004 10:59 PM

Where do you work, and who are your clients?
I work for the public and I adore the special needs people!!

Posted by: Phyllis at July 23, 2004 10:54 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau