July 31, 2004

Saturday musings

Wish I could figure out why I am so tired - Oh, I'm sure that there is a stress-related reason to it - overwork - etc. But, oh, my, oh, my . . . I had my regular Friday off yesterday. Sat to read and kept falling asleep - sat at the computer to do a bit of work - and nodded off. I pretty much snoozed the day away in my chair. Sigh.

I finally finished the book today - in between droopy eyelids - but the computer work has not gotten done. There will be time - she tells herself - there will be time. Sometime.

Went to the Ladybug's wedding rehearsal last night. My job is to take the youngest after they all go to the altar. I love my job, what can I say? I hope to have pictures later for you all to ooh and ahh over.

The wedding announcement lists the children inviting everyone to their parents' wedding. We even have our little lost love's name there - done in a shade of gray with a halo over his name. He will be here in spirit and love.

I've not been in the sanctuary of this church before - I've been to Habitat for Humanity dinners in the basement, but not upstairs. It is a very small room. They have a small congregation. This is their 50th anniversary year. The pastor and I work together on a coalition that is setting up a homeless shelter system.

The rehearsal was comical, as they mostly are. The bride runs the show and we all just did our best to follow instructions - and that includes the pastor. ;-) It remains to be seen how well the script is followed today.

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wrote of the upcoming appraisal awhile back. Gentleman arrived promptly at 8 and began asking questions as he walked in the door - used to have a wood stove, eh? crawl space? is there a closet in the bathroom? - did I miss it? etc. (Answers - Yes, Yes, No, No)

And, now we wait for the results to get to the right hands and then the approval or disapproval and onward we go . . . woo-hoo.

Received a call today from the life insurance part of the business - follow up questions on health history. She was to call hubby next (he is where he usually is - work - sigh) and get his answers. Then the results will go on to the underwriters and we will see if we are approved or if we are too old and decrepit to be covered. okie-dokie.

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tomorrow is MissJessi's turn to go shopping. She is something, that one is. To better understand our delight with her, check out this Baby Blues® comic - phooey, it won't let me link directly to it - sorry: go to www.babyblues.com and then to the pull down for the July 8th cartoon.

Yes, that's our little darlin' all right. ;-)

Okay, my friends. I am out of here until after the wedding festivities. Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday. I will post pictures as available and with Ladybug's permission.

Posted by Purplemoose at July 31, 2004 12:02 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau