August 02, 2004

Monday, Monday

Record breaking temps all over the Kenai Peninsula today. Whew! Yes, we glow quite heavily (because a lady does NOT sweat, you see) when the thermometer hits the upper 70's.

And, I am leaving for the 80's in three weeks. Heh - what AM I thinking? That it is gonna be SO much fun to visit with my friends - and my aunt - I am looking forward to visiting with them.

oh, and to see people I have had NO contact with since 1968 - yeah, that last one is a big winner, huh? Nah, we'll have a good time. I have fun whereEVER I go and with whomEVER I be. Yup - party on, moosie . . . snork.

Have had a couple of comments about not being able to get to the Ladybug's site - there is a reason I no longer have links to your websites, friends. I had a little troll awhile back and I don't want to inflict that troll's activities on all of you. She will soon tire of her antics - as will her buds - and then all will be well again.

However, if you want to see the Ladybug, just email me - addy up there in the upper right hand corner - take out the NOSPAM - and I will get it to you, 'kay?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Today was the first day of the new reduced hour schedule. Kinda sucked. Kinda made me a bit depressed and sad.

But you know what? The Lord has it all in His control. I have been fretting a bit because the insurance company has been dragging its feet about paying the bills from my little trip in the woods - and then today I received a check from something that I thought they were NOT going to cover. So, I just breathed a thank you, Lord and will get a nagging doctor bill paid off.

I think it is just His way of telling me that I should quit fretting and just let Him handle it all. Yup, I think so. And that just puts a whole different light on it, now doesn't it?

Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday. I'm thinking mine will be just fine, itself.

Posted by Purplemoose at August 2, 2004 10:23 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau