August 05, 2004

juvenile delinquency

When I was a little girl – oh, so very long ago – I sassed my Mom . . .

One day – I was probably about 6 or 7 years old – I told her that I was running away – she was a mean Mommy and I was leaving. She said “all right – let me help you.” And, she packed a bag for me and set it beside me where I sat pouting on the front porch.

As you might well imagine, I did not run away that day. When my tummy reminded me that it was nearly dinner time, I picked up my bag and went back into the house where Mom had lovingly set a place for me at the table – just in case.

Just in case I came to my senses – just in case I cared to join her and the family – just in case she was right and I was wrong. She never lorded it over me. She was much too smart for that. She had spoken volumes without saying a word – in that one action of packing my bag so that I could leave whenever I so chose. She knew without saying so that there was no way I was going to leave, or if I did, no way that I was going very far.

Consider, however, what might happen in today’s world. A youngster gets a bit sassy and says that she is running away and Mom packs a bag. Do you know what would happen to that Mom (or Dad) if the child proceeded to go on a walkabout? Yup – a coupla hours in the nearest cop shop being grilled on what bad parents they were.

And, just who is calling the shots in this case? Mom-Dad? Nope! Cops? Nope, again! How about child protection services? Nope, not even them. No, the one calling the shots is the child who takes it into his or her head to go on that walkabout. The child has mom and dad and the police and even child protection services right where s/he wants them – and s/he can wriggle the worm on the hook and watch the baited ones squirm.

It’s a sad day – this day and age when we are not allowed – under any circumstances – to spank our children for misbehaving – to punish by taking toys away – to punish by confining to a room – to do anything other than allowing the little hellions to do completely as they want to do.

Just so you know – I am NOT in favor of child abuse. I don’t consider a swat to the padded backside of a child to be abuse. God provided a handy padding there and a swat will hardly hurt. A swat mainly gets the attention of the little truant long enough to allow him or her to listen. That is, if respect has been demanded and received in their younger years – if both parents are willing to stand together in disciplinary matters – if the child is made to understand that the family is a unit, not run by him or her alone – if we could just keep nosy, busybody folks (albeit well meaning) out of everyone else’s business but their own – if pigs could fly and rocks could sing. Yup, just as impossible as that, I’m guessing.

This old world of ours is in sad shape – and, just think, friends. The delinquent of today – is the leader of tomorrow, or at the very least the one who will be calling the shots. Seriously. The lack of respect of children, teens, young adults for their elders is frightening in and of itself.

While I remember the nuns rapping our knuckles with a ruler when I was small – I respected them as I grew up. We hear stories today of teachers who complain about having too many children in their classrooms – at 24 or 25 children – and I laugh, because the elementary classrooms I learned in had 30-35 children sitting at their desks. And, yet we rose whenever the teacher walked into the room and greeted him or her (not all of the teachers were nuns) with respect and a good morning. If a teacher dropped an eraser or piece of chalk, we vied for the joy of picking it up and handing it back. We begged to be allowed to carry bags home for them after school.

Was I any different back then, than the children of today? Only in that I suffered a swat on my britches – or some discipline – from time to time from my mother. And, I suffered it in silence and a deep respect for the pain I had brought her. Would that the children of today could appreciate the same thing.

Posted by Purplemoose at August 5, 2004 11:55 PM

I worked in a group home for delinquents for five years. Would still be there if not for the State deciding it had to investigate every time we restrained a child. In the beginning we just had to have other counselors there and everyone would write their incident report. Then it was every incident report had to be investigated as potential abuse. Sorry, but if a kid is charging at me, he/she is going down to the floor and I wasn't willing to have a pending child abuse count against me every time that happened. After I left they banned standing them in the corner or sitting them in a chair as well. ugh.

The running away story reminds me of one of my best friends growing up. At the ripe old age of 5 he announced he'd had enough and was running away to our house. His mom said "Okay, Loretta (my mom) can probably raise you better than I can anyway." and she sat him out on the porch. He started off the porch, defiant as ever. Until she shut off the porch light. He never threatened to run away again.

Posted by: Lisa at August 6, 2004 05:14 AM

Man you said a mouthful there! If kids were disciplined by their parents instead of being babysat by the TV the next generation would grow up with MANNERS! I still swatted my kids!! I still could, but they'd swat back Im afraid. But all kids now think that all they have to do is cry ABUSE! and someone arrests their parents. I know of several kids who wished they hadnt done that, because they were removed from their HOME and placed in foster homes.

Posted by: mary lou at August 6, 2004 09:57 AM


I don't know -exactly- what happened yet, but sis is supposed to call me back here in a bit and let me know, but man oh man. It's a good thing I believe stupid rules are made to be broken. I've got good kids (On the whole - little brats. hee.) and it's because I didn't let the law tell me how to raise my damn kids. I worry about them going to school, slipping up and saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, but it'll be over my dead body they EVER take my kids away or try to stick their damn noses in my house.

Some people don't have that because of extenuating circumstances I know - in my case without that though, I'd be up and out before they can say "hey you can't...." for sure.

Posted by: Lessa at August 6, 2004 01:30 PM

Great post! My sentiments exactly!

Posted by: Phyllis at August 6, 2004 10:33 PM


Posted by: Pat at August 13, 2004 05:46 AM

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