August 14, 2004

tough anniversary

The pain lessens, but the memories never go away.

This is the sort of thing we hear each year. And, well intentioned they are - and tough to hear - but they will prove true . . . . eventually.

This is the fourth anniversary of our Jacey's homegoing. He would have been 6 years old 9 days from today. He would have been 2 years old nine days after his departure from us.

He was a bright eyed, cheerful little guy, always ready with a hug and a smile, full of life and mischief. He was the apple of the Ladybug's eye, and a joyous addition to our home.

One morning he did not wake up - and our world was turned upside down.

It is something that is hard to describe - something that is hard to overcome - something that is nigh impossible to watch your daughter and her family suffer.

I was asked to write something for his memorial program:

Jacey –
hair of flaming red
and eyes the bluest of blues
active boy running about in
your favorite Sesame Street shoes

for each visitor, a soft “hi!”
and little arms held up for a hug
then you’d smile and begin to twirl
and dance on the living room rug

you were our joy to know
right from the very start
your too soon departure leaves
gaping holes in our hearts

good night, sweet boy-
we’ll see you in the morning

Love, Nana

Today is also Isaiah's 6 month birthday. I held him just a wee bit tighter tonight as I sang to him - each grandbaby gets to hear me sing to them on their birth-date each month for the first year. He smiled back at me and I couldn't help but notice that he has his brother Jacey's flaming red hair.

The Ladybug mentioned that she thinks it might be appropriate each year from now on to have a half-year birthday party for young Isaiah - to make a very sad time just a wee bit brighter.

It sounds like a fine idea to me.

Have a wonderful, peaceful Sunday, everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at August 14, 2004 10:21 PM

THat was a beautiful poem granny moosie!!

Posted by: mary lou at August 15, 2004 10:14 PM

How the time goes still makes me ache to remember how much pain you all were in, and I know you still feel it to some extent.

My thoughts are with you.

Posted by: Linda at August 16, 2004 10:13 PM

I think Jenn has a wonderful idea...


Posted by: dan at August 17, 2004 08:25 PM

I miss you Jacey,............ Love.....

Posted by: Ladybug at August 19, 2004 08:18 PM

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