August 20, 2004

Favorites and things I did today

Favorite Olympics commercial:
Sea*y Mattr**s commercials - especially the synchronized (swimmers) sleepers. I giggle everytime I see it. Next is the top bunk high jump. Okay, so I am easily amused. It may also be tempered by the fact that I really could use a new mattress. zzzzzzzzzzzz snork

Over there to the left you will see a new button: Strengthen the Good. Please go to the website and check it out. We can all afford to do a little bit to help a lot. Thanks to Jenn for the heads up.

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Renewed my driver's license today. It is not due until my birthday in January, but I wanted to get it done before leaving on Tuesday. You see, my SS# was on the old one and I wanted that taken off - I really hate showing it all of the time anyway - and to have to show it umpteen times when traveling is just plain annowying. (the easiest way for identity theft to occur is with your SS#) ANYway - waited for an hour at the DMV in order to accomplish that - and, some people's kids . . . a guy came in with 6 kids - no mom in sight - and allowed them to run amok while he filled out a sheaf of paperwork, which in the end turned out to be mostly the wrong forms. Geesh! One of the kids kept bouncing a ball and almost broke the camera they use to spy on watch us the counter.

I also voted absentee today. Our primary is Tuesday and I just know that it is going to be a hectic enough day without having to try to remember to vote, too. So, that is done and I proudly displayed my "I VOTED TODAY" sticker.

Tomorrow? A baby shower to welcome twin daughters of friends - and then getting my hair cut for the trip. Woo-hoo! (method to my madness - get the new license BEFORE the haircut - makes it look like the license is older - HAHA! Of course it has the date AND time right there showing that I got it today.)

Well, this is a short entry - all together now, PHEW! - heh. I am going to close down and head out for the lounge chair to take in some zzzzz's - no, I mean to watch the Olympics. Yup, that's right, the Olympics. I must say that young Michael Phelps is impressing me beyond words with his actions of today. His mother must be so proud of him.

'night, friends.

Posted by Purplemoose at August 20, 2004 06:19 PM

Those commercials make me giggle too. I also like the High Jumper into the Bubble Wrap for DHL. Oh! and the Weight Lifter that drops the weights down three floors onto the snooty alarmed car guys hood. hehehehee!

Posted by: Lessa at August 20, 2004 09:36 PM

Wasn't he GRAND? Even Bob COstas said he was a true TEAM Player. not many atheletes would give up their spot to another. (even though he will win the medal they win too) He just seems like such a FOCUSED young man. Hope it stays that way.

Posted by: mary lou at August 21, 2004 08:55 AM

THERE we go. All works now. *chuckles* archives are back in the picture. Surprise!


Posted by: Lessa at August 21, 2004 08:46 PM


Posted by: Ladybug at August 21, 2004 08:47 PM

Well You have been a busy little lady today haven't you?

Posted by: mary lou at August 22, 2004 06:52 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau