I mentioned this a bit ago - and today received word of the first charity that STG is supporting.
You can read all about it by going here.
Read about how the Gulf Coast Community Foundation of Venice will match dollar for dollar contributions made to aid victims of Hurricane Charley.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Apparently - bob's my uncle - well, no, not really - but, good grief, he apparently thinks he is. I have been deleting bob after bob after bob spam. He has several different isp's and as many different email addresses. Sheesh! Bob - get a different hobby - poker,poker,poker - is that ALL you can think about?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Well, my bags are packed and I'm ready to go . . . . leaving on a jet plane. Yup, all set to go - one last day of work and I am on my way. I plan to go in at 8:30 and work straight through until 2:30 with no lunch break. Then I can come home and relax a bit (you know - relax - wash dishes - straighten the house - reLAX!) before grabbing a shower and heading out to the airport here for the short hop to Anchortown.
Not sure if I will be able to do it - but I might pop in for a quick hello from time to time. It just depends on whether or not I can use my friend's 'puter - and more importantly - if I really want to. ;-)
But there will be a report when I get home - okay?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tomorrow is the day - first day back to school for S, M, and D. The kinders don't get their first day until NEXT week. Miss J is a tad upset about that - she thinks she ought to be able to go to school NOW. Poor, poor teacher. Heh. Master T is excited about going to school, too. HIS teacher has a piano in her room. Very cool, bubby.
Well, that's it from me. You all be good and enjoy the next coupla weeks without the moose.
see you soon.
Posted by Purplemoose at August 23, 2004 09:33 PM
hey, everyone - I am resting, yakking it up, reading, resting some more, yakking a whole lot more, SHOPPING (erm, for myself, ladybug) and having a wonderful - HOT time in Ohio.
see you all sometime next Saturday or Sunday.