September 08, 2004

Travel tales

I figure that if I don't get an entry in here soon, there may be some revolting going on . . . so here you go, a bit of my travels told . . .

One of the things that R and I did was some sightseeing - with a bit of "snarfing" thrown in for good measure. We trekked about a couple of our days together gathering up photos and sights and generally having a good time of it.

We visited the Thurber House one of those days. James Thurber, you probably know, was a well-known humorist and had many illustrations published by the New Yorker magazine. You can follow the links to learn more about the man and his life.

The home was closed the first time we stopped by, so we settled for some photos from the outside and a jaunt through the park opposite where we found . . .

click to enlarge

The Unicorn in the Garden . . . complete with . . .

The legend of the Unicorn in the Garden. A synposis of the story - man goes into his garden and sees a unicorn munching a tulip. He goes to tell his wife - who was soundly sleeping - of his discovery and she pooh-poohs his statement reminding him that a unicorn is a mythical creature. Man goes back to the garden to find the unicorn still there and once again goes to tell his wife. She screams at him that he is a booby and that the authorities should be called. He wanders back outside to see that the unicorn has now moved on. She, meanwhile, calls the authorities who come to hear her complaint. She goes on and on about how her husband has claimed to see a unicorn in the garden, whereupon the gendarmes pounce upon her and place her in shackles. They ask the husband if he has seen a unicorn in the garden and he tells them, of course not, a unicorn is a mythical creature. Once the wife has been taken away he goes about his life happier with the "mythical" creature right outside in his garden. The moral of the story is "Don't count your boobies until they are hatched."

After going off to seek more markers and having lunch, R and I came back to the Thurber House to take a tour of the facilities. We saw the man's rocker:

. . .
and some of his sketches:

But the most fun to see were the statues of Thurber dogs in the courtyard:

thurberdog1.JPG thurberdog2.JPG thurberdog3.JPG thurberdog4.JPG

click all images for larger view.

So, there is a bit of what we did on one day. And, trust me that is not the only place we saw that day. We were happy wanderers. Entirely too much fun.

I'll share more pictures as we go along. I am still getting them sized and onto my hard drive. It was so neat - my friend has an all-in-one printer that takes my digital card!!! We were able to download my pics and then save them to a cd to transport home with me. I somehow managed to lose one entire disk worth of photos, though. Sigh! My poor friend did everything she could to try to recover them - but when the moose loses something they are well lost. ;-/ She sent me home with some of the photos that she took, though, with some of the same images. Yay!

More later. For now enjoy Jamie.

Posted by Purplemoose at September 8, 2004 09:02 PM

If you haven't taken more pictures on top of the old ones on your card, they can be recovered from the card. Just a thought!

Posted by: Jeanette at September 21, 2004 04:05 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau