November 09, 2004

My daughter!!!!

I tell you, friends, the kid is a web-guru, she is, she is. Give her an inch and she'll take the proverbial mile - that is, she'll take an idea and run with it. What comes out on the other end is just so very cool.

This blog design is hers, as was the one before it. The Ladybug's and Darlin's (as well as my sister's and niece's - even though they no longer post).

Lessa can somehow dig down into the person's psyche and strengths and pull out just the perfect thing. (Proud mama??? Yup, you bet)

And, where is all of this leading, you are probably asking yourselves (and rightfully so). Well, tonight I get to unveil Lessa's latest two site designs. I have been biding my time while some technical difficulties were worked out on the one and until she deemed it okay to go for it.

Tonight is the night . . .

Friends, I give you . . . Daloua Dance

and . . . Fish Lips and Bird Teeth Studio


I love the name on that last one. I met Karen, the designer of the pieces, at a bead show in Anchorage a few weeks ago. She has names for every one of the dames of the deep (click on the zipper pulls) and a story to go along with them. She had my friend and me in stitches. I bought one of the hearts - a pin - but want to get one of the lockets, too. I didn't realize they were lockets when I was there.

But, she will be at more shows and I will be at more shows to see her and I will soon have some of those dames, too. ;-)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In other news - tomorrow I was to head out of town on an "outreach" journey, taking agency materials to Hope, Moose Pass, and Cooper Landing. However, the weather has taken a dump and the roads are in very bad shape. So, I talked with the Director before I left tonight and we agreed that if it wasn't a whole lot better in the morning I would wait to take that trip.

So, I plan to go in to the office tomorrow. I'm sure I can find something there to do. ;-))

And, with that I will leave you for tonight, friends. Go on now and enjoy some of Lessa's work.

Posted by Purplemoose at November 9, 2004 09:33 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau