December 04, 2004

Quiet Time

The house has settled now and it is quiet finally. Hubby is relaxing in front of the TV - probably snoring - and I can grab a few minutes on line because the children are asleep.


Yup, children. We picked up two of Ladybug's little ones early this morning, so that Mama and Daddy could drive to Anchorage. (Older brother was at his other Grandma's house) 7 a.m. and we gently awoke Kinzie and Timothy to get them dressed and out the door for a special breakfast with us.

Isaiah woke up and I got to cuddle with him for a bit while Ladybug gathered up the car seats and helped Paw-Paw get them installed in our car.

And . . . .

I was chosen to be the one to discover his little secret. Isaiah cut a bottom tooth overnight! He let me check and I felt the sharp edges poking through his gums. Yay! That was special, Isaiah. Thanks for sharing with me.

Our day has been a busy one. Breakfast was boisterous and fun. It has been too long since we have taken any of the grands out for a special restaurant breakfast. Kinzie enjoyed seeing all of the animals on the walls when I took her to the restroom. The dining room is surrounded by taxidermy . . . black, brown and polar bears, elk, caribou, moose, several species of fish, wolverine, lynx, dall sheep, and eagle. Most of them were identified as either moose or bear by our little gal.

Paw-Paw went to a meeting and I brought the kiddos back home with me - then watched as they destroyed the front room and had a rousing good time. ;-) No, I don't mind at all. We watched a couple of videos, colored pages, stuck stickers, bounced and bounced some more. It exhausted me just to watch them.

When Paw-Paw came home from his meeting we drove to Soldotna to Papa Murphy's to buy take it and bake it pizzas for dinner. Straightened up the front room and vacuumed it - then watched it get destroyed again before showers and bedtime. ;-)

Paw-Paw put both of them into our king sized bed - I read them a story - they began to pick and bicker a bit - so I finally separated them and put one into the bed I had made up for both of them. Now only the boy is in our bed. Not sure if I will move him over to the other bed when we go to bed or just let him stay there. We'll see.

The Lessa clan has been gone since last Sunday - got back home tonight. They went to Disneyland and, as I understand it, had a wonderful time. Except they all have coughs now. Lessa said she was glad to get them all home to our cold, clean air. (Sorry, Californians)

We are blessed in that we don't have the industrial smog here in our area. There is some hanging over Anchorage, and I generally get an "Anchorage headache" whenever I go up there. But, even with our refineries out a few miles from town, we don't have that brown stuff hanging in the air.

And, so I am sitting here enjoying a bit of quiet - the first the house has seen all day long. And, then I am going to get off here and head for slumber myself. Tomorrow I am further blessed to take these two and Lessa's two girls to Sunday School and worship service.

May your Sunday be a peaceful, restful, and blessed one.

Posted by Purplemoose at December 4, 2004 10:38 PM

HEy Barbara, GOt your card today. Thank You I made all of mine this year too!! Where did you get that die cut stamp of a moose? and are there any others wilderness themed? I love it. and the little pin is going on my collection on my video camera case. COOL!

Posted by: mary lou at December 5, 2004 11:59 AM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau