December 19, 2004

Everybody is busy

Wednesday night I attended a pageant starring some of my little angels - you know, those little monkeys who were climbing the walls in my last entry? Yup, THOSE angels. Ha.

TAT decided to sit this one out. (maybe his arms were too tired to hold up his wings?) but Dezi and Kinzie played the part: (click for larger pics)


btw - they are all looking to their teacher for direction.

The program started right at 5 p.m. and I didn't get off work until 5, so I missed the first part. But I was tickled to see what I could. Asked Miss Kinzie to stand for a picture afterwards . . . she doesn't look too thrilled. (It was my night to be dissed by Kinzie for sure - she perked up around everyone else)


Afterwards everyone was invited downstairs to have dinner - the kids all shrugged their angel costumes - and their angel demeanors and became normal, rowdy, kids again.

Meanwhile Isaiah showed his musical talents:


He also showed his prowess with marching the thing across the floor. It won't be much longer and he will be walking. (Mama walked at 9 months!)

Check out the cute centerpieces one of the couples made:


Attended a meeting Thursday - we are working on a solution for homelessness in the area. Anything that can help.

After hearing about people living in cars and such - it was a bit difficult to do what I had to do next - shop for the agency's Christmas holiday party. (aside: we are not supposed to call it a Christmas party - it might offend someone. I love that many don't realize where the word "holiday" originated - it stands for Holy Day. I'll take it.)

I shopped at one store Thursday - buying the things that didn't require refrigeration. Then on Friday morning I bought the veggie and meat trays and the cake at a different store. So much food (and so much left over - it went to the shelter clients so none went to waste.)

Some of us also brought food - here was my contribution:


Aren't they cute? The directions were in the paper - turns out my neighbor sent it in. The cookies are nutter butters, of course - use red and white icing for the hat and beard and tassel and eyes. The brown in the eyes are mini chocolate chips and the mouth can be either red hots or mini M&Ms (which is what I used). They were a hit - the entire plate of cookies was eaten! I didn't even get a taste. LOL. I'll make more this week.

I have this coming week off and am looking forward to it. Not sure how much - or if - I will decorate for Christmas. I hope to be able to sleep in most mornings - at least until 7 a.m. (that is sleeping in for me, folks)

Tomorrow night the folks from my church are planning to do some caroling. I may join them for a bit. And, Wednesday we are having our Christmas Candlelight service. Miss Jessi will be an angel during her class' part in that.

I hope you will take time this week to slow down and step aside from the usual hustle and bustle - at least long enough to reflect on why we are celebrating. May He bring us peace - in our hearts, if not in our world.

Posted by Purplemoose at December 19, 2004 12:30 AM

Oh the baby is getting so BIG!!! and those darling little angels!! I Love little kids Christmas shows.

Posted by: mary lou at December 20, 2004 06:54 AM

Angels with jeans and tennies poking out of the bottom. Love it!

Had to breeze by the cookies, made me hungry.

Posted by: Bonnie at December 21, 2004 05:13 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau