December 29, 2004

Early Birthday

I feel spoiled, I tell ya!!!

Today hubby had my birthday present (it's not until next month) installed. Lessa was in on the action, as she had to be here since we were at work.

I am the proud new mama of a cable modem hook-up . . . NO MORE POKEY DIALUP. Oh, the bliss!!

I visited the one site that ALWAYS loaded so slowly - Batty's - and . . . WHOOT!!! there it was in living color immediately. Oh my, oh my!

Lessa has already warned me about being a responsible parent and so ZoneAlarm has been downloaded as well. (teaching old dogs new tricks . . . hmmm)

Seriously - I think hubby just wanted the phone line back. LOL Nah! We have CallWave (which I now need to go and cancel) and so did not miss phone calls. (might not have gotten right off line to call back, but we knew they were there - heh)

I am a pampered princess tonight. How neat.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

P.S. Hmmmmm somebody is pretty interested in a certain member of my family. The Activity Log shows searches for a family name (spelled several different ways - all but one incorrectly) and a certain search word.

You know, if you'd just ask I might tell you what you'd like to know - but that didn't happen.

FYI I tend not to use family names here - It certainly isn't my business to go on blathering about my family members and invading their privacy. I seldom use the children's first names and try to be protective of them as well, although I do sometimes slip.

We (Lessa, that is) have had to install code that closes comments after 3 days of inactivity to cut down on a lot of the spam. But as this search was so very specific I know that it was not done by a spammer.

Soooooo - hello, there, whoever you might be. Drop me a note and let me know what you'd like to know. If it is my business to tell you - and your business to know - I will certainly share.

I must certainly wonder at your motives. Because if you were someone close to us, you would already know the answers you were seeking. So, if your motives are spiteful or malicious, I can only ask you nicely to be gone.

'night, friends.

Posted by Purplemoose at December 29, 2004 10:04 PM

Isn't cable modem deeeelicious?!

What a great birfday gift!

Ps...I love the card you sent! Mahalo, Purple Lady!*;)

Hauoli Makahiki Hou 2005!

Posted by: Tina*:) at December 29, 2004 10:41 PM

I am so JEALOUS!! I HATE dial-up! but there is no DSL or Cable out here yet. Trust me as soon as there is, Im on it!!!

Posted by: mary lou at December 30, 2004 10:54 AM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau