January 19, 2005

Evening, friends

This morning when the grandgirls came for breakfast, the 5 year old spotted a box and what she thought was balloons. She was so excited. Until we showed her that the box was, instead, filled with fruit. The "balloons" on the box represented oranges and grapefruit and pears.

The high school choir sells fruit each year as a fundraiser for their European trip.

She picked out a grapefruit and said "Can I have this orange?" We told her that it wasn't an orange, but that she could have some of the grapefruit if she liked. So, I peeled it, sectioned it and offered her a taste. Oh, the face! No, thank you, Gramma, I don't want it.

We sliced up one of the oh, so juicy pears and gave her and her sister some. They didn't eat much of it, left most on the plate.

So, after they went to the bus stop with Grandpa, I put the grapefruit, the pear, and an orange through the juicer and was it ever good. The grapefruit are really sweet, but too tart for the little ones I guess.

Yummy stuff!

While I was reading the paper at work this morning, (yes it is part of the job) I found that the oldest grandson's name was in the schools section! Little dickens didn't tell us that he had received a Character Counts student award last week - got himself a pizza lunch. That's my boy.

Didn't get a chance to weigh in today - so I will do it tomorrow after I walk - will have to "sneak" into work on my way home from walking since I don't go on the clock until 11. So, watch the above ticker tomorrow. Hopefully it will move.

Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone. And, thanks to all who gave kudos to the hubby yesterday. ;-)


Posted by Purplemoose at January 19, 2005 11:15 PM

Congratulations on the weight loss! I like that ticker...it's cute :)

Posted by: deb at January 22, 2005 05:54 AM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau