January 21, 2005

My lipbibib is on da flobabo

well, it was earlier - that is my lips were NUMB! And my tongue was numb. And, my EYE was numb.

Erm, yes, you read correctly, my EYE was numb.

Dental visit today to have three fillings refilled/repaired. He didn't do a whole lot to them, just resealing where the wear and tear has taken place.

I have a gentle dentist - he is like a big panda. And, that fits as he is Chinese. He grew up here - local boy goes off the dental school and comes home to establish practice. We used to go to his parents' restaurant and he would serve us or bus the tables around us.

So, when he came back to town a few years ago and my teeth were in deplorable shape because I couldn't find a dentist I trusted . . . well . . . I called his office and said . . .

I'd like to make an appointment to come in and talk with the doctor - an interview of sorts. I can decide if I can work with him, and he can decide if he can work with me. If not, no hard feelings, but we will know for sure. I'll pay for his time.

Bless his heart - he was practically quaking when I arrived. So solicitous of my feelings and gentle and apologetic. Asked me if he could at least examine me. Which I granted him (princess that I am - heh). We have been best buds ever since. He calls me his favorite patient (I'm sure he calls many more the same) and is very careful to not overcharge me. (When I first began seeing him I had no dental insurance and there have been bouts of tears from me in his chairs when he would tell me how much work needed to be done and how much it would cost)

Today I met his (possible) future wife. She flew in from Taiwan a week ago and is getting to know his family. He was all aflutter. She's so pretty. She makes me so nervous. I don't know what to do or say around her. She's so pretty. On and on and on. He was quivering with excitement.

The whole staff wanted me to meet her (!!) and I thought that was just so sweet. As I left today I told him that I wanted to be kept up to date on future plans - including an invitation. And he said Of course! You are family!

Sharon (not sure if there was a Chinese spelling, but that is how they pronounced it - for all I know it is her given name, and not an adaptation. I'll have to wait to see it on the invitation - lol) seemed shy. I felt sort of sorry for her. He has an office full of women and they were all hovering over her and trying to include her in everything. Would have been overwhelming for anyone.

She goes back to Taiwan Saturday. And he? He goes in March or April - to meet her parents - he is very nervous.

All together now . . . awwwwwwwwwwwwww

And, yes, I think this may be an arranged marriage. He has been looking for awhile and confided to me once that his parents wanted him to marry within the culture.

She's so pretty . . .

Oh, I was gonna tell you about my eye. That was the weirdest feeling. He had to numb top and bottom because there were two teeth on top and one on the bottom. It was a blessing that at least they were all on the left side of my mouth.

He numbed my gums a bit and then gave me the injections. Oh, my goodness! I felt it go straight from my gum, up the side of my face, and into my eyeball. When he was done and I said something about it he apologized and said he probably had hit the trunk nerve and that it would wear off as the rest wore off. (it did, thankfully)

Weird sensations when mouth is half dead, btw.

First of all, you can't smile properly. Only one side of your mouth will lift.

You talk funny - like the Bill Cosby routine I reference in the title above.

Your nose feels funny - and this time - my eye felt funny

Take a drink of ice water when half your tongue is numb. One side will register cold, the other side will register hot. Seriously! Try it.

I would share Dr. Hu with you all, but you have to come up here. He is not allowed to leave the area. I don't want to have to go through all that again to find a dentist I can trust.

Night, friends.

Posted by Purplemoose at January 21, 2005 10:55 PM

Awww man, I'd rather do ANYTHING than go to the dentist! I agree, that numbness is a very strange feeling. Feels like your lips are quadruple in size lol

Posted by: deb at January 22, 2005 05:52 AM


Posted by: Linda at January 22, 2005 02:17 PM

Oh, good. I tried to post on an earlier post and it wouldn't let it.

Please could you ask the Ladybug genius if she can figure out how to syndicate this column/make it an RSS feed?

Yes, I can beat your Ohio entry: 5300 as the plane flies to London, then a further 230 miles north to my hometown in Yorkshire. It's not possible to ride there because some twit put a great big pond in the way. ;-)

Did you get the emails I sent you?

Got to go and work now...

Posted by: Linda at January 22, 2005 02:19 PM

Fortunate to have someone you trust. I used to mine, and I still think he is a good dentist, but I got shoved to his wife now so he can do hoity toity glamour work. She is good except I should of drawn the line at 7 fillings at once.

Know all about eye being numb. Have had it happen.

Posted by: Bonnie at January 22, 2005 06:25 PM

What's even worse (IMHO) is when they give you the shot and the tongue jumps and then half your throat goes numb. I hate when that happens, specially on days when my asthma is acting up.

Posted by: Sara at January 23, 2005 12:32 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau