January 25, 2005


There are some things you just don't write about - things you don't do - that is, if you are (as all of you all ARE) a responsible blogger.

You don't name names - either first or last - if you have any thought whatsoever that someone in that person's family might be reading your words.

You don't say defamatory things about people - when you know that such things will hurt - the person, their family, their friends.

You don't hide behind your apparently self-given right to hurt people because you have been hurt by someone else and, after all, it is YOUR place to vent so vent you will, by golly.

You don't do these things because you are a basically well-mannered person.

or do you?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

in other news . . .

the sun came out today and it was a wonderful sight - just perked us all up for a bit - until the clouds rolled back in and covered it up again. But, it was a blessing to see for those few shining hours.

The red stars you see over there . . . those are little gifties from the Presidential Challenge "Active Lifestyle" program. For every 5 days logged in a week, you receive a star - I am 3/5 of the way through my next one. When I fill in 6 I will be eligible for an Active Lifestyle Award. Woot! ;-)

I'm adding mileage to my days - lots of stationary bike time in addition to my two walking days. My legs are feeling stronger and it takes less time to get past that first little ouch when I start.

Oh, and I just realized - my hips didn't bother me at all today when I walked. That is really neat.

I will miss walking on Thursday because I have to take a 4 hour CPR training for my job. It's a yearly thing and, for some reason, the training always falls on the same day. Celebrate!

So, I will ride that stationary bike to Nowhere, man. ;-)

Can anyone out there tell me why in the world these bike manufacturers do NOT build the things with comfortable seats? Ouch!!! 45 minutes on that baby and my cheeks are numb. Even a pillow doesn't help for long. A friend is using a gel seat on hers and I am thinking about looking for one for ours. Asked hubby to take the one off his motorcycle, but he says it is bolted on. Shoot!

We are going to Anchorage again on Friday, so maybe we'll look around for something while there.

And, I need to find a new pair of kick-around/work shoes. The sole on my right one is coming apart at the seam - flap, flap, flap.

Shoes - on the list
Butt Wipes for Zay-Zay - on the list
Diapers for same (bigger size as he has plenty of 3's) - on the list
Gel pad - maybe on the list

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We received a box full of the Alaska Runner's Calendar today and I had a great time adding post-it tabs to the pages. Purple ones (but of course) marked the 5ks I am interested in. A pink one marked the ad placed by my employer. Yellow and blue ones marked the places we will contact about having our run registrations distributed by. It is now a colorful book. ;-)

Okay, friends. Have a wonderful Wednesday. See you again soon.

Posted by Purplemoose at January 25, 2005 11:31 PM

You do not name names in a hurtful manner or in any way that might embarrass someone not in your immediate circle of family and friends. Just this morning I had to pass on blogging the funniest story C. told me about middle school romance. It was a good one too but not in the least bit funny if one of the little gals involved would have read it and got her feelings hurt.

Posted by: Lisa at January 26, 2005 07:44 AM

Keep up the stationary biking; your tush will get used to it after awhile. It's funny, but a tush tolerance will develop. Then...no more sore bum.

;0) keep up the good work.


Posted by: liljif at January 26, 2005 01:47 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau