January 28, 2005

55 - Alive!

Thank you, one and all, for your kind greetings for my birthday yesterday - double nickle - speed limit - but not old. At least not according to Miss Jessi. Grandpa might be old (even if he IS a week younger than I), but Gramma is not old. That's my girl. ;-)

The CPR class went well this morning. I was able to work with all of the manikens this year - the last couple of times I took it I had a hard time with the child and infant. But, healing comes in time - glad the tissues were there when I was done, though.

During the break our new program coordinator and I went to lunch. I had a card from them that said my meal would be free - Hey, I'm all about free. We had a delightful chat during our lunch - and then they brought out a bowl of ice cream for the birthday gal. I asked for 2 spoons, took a bite or two and let my coworker have at it. We both did well - there was food on our plates left and ice cream left in the bowl when we left the restaurant.

Hubby and I are going up to Anchorage again tomorrow - we'll be back Saturday in the late afternoon. Maybe I'll be able to get some roadside pics this trip. Turnagain Arm is always so neat this time of the year - with the ice flow and such. So, we'll see.

And, that is it for tonight. I need to get off here and get some rest. I think one of my darling grands has shared their cold with me. Sweet thangs.


Posted by Purplemoose at January 28, 2005 12:21 AM

Happy Birthday!!

Posted by: Bre at January 28, 2005 09:45 AM

Ahhh! A belated, but very sincere, Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your weekend :))

Posted by: deb at January 28, 2005 11:09 AM

Love you mossie. BE SAFE!

Posted by: Ladybug at January 28, 2005 11:49 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau