April 01, 2005

April Fools!

So, Lessa did a sneak attack on the moose and surprised me! What a kid that one is, huh? Thanks for the new spring do, Lessa! (now you all go on over and hire her to do something for you - she'll do good by you.)

The sun is shining brightly over my left shoulder as I type. Ahhhhh! I think spring just might be making its way to our fair land finally. The

peeking through 04-01-05

Rhubarb is beginning to bud up - yummy - won't be long before I can make a pan of rhubarb crunch.

So, what is your favorite April Fool's Day prank? I have a couple that just tickled me. A few years ago all of the cartoonists drew the day's cartoons for each other. You would (for instance) find Beetle Bailey starring in the Garfield column strip.

The other prank happened here locally. Our radio station owner/manager has a quirky sense of humor. He is also gone from the area a lot as he has a hunting lodge across the Inlet and guides most of the fall. We are never really very shocked at hearing something that he has done.

So one morning several years ago we awoke to the radio personnel in seeming disarray. It seems that there had been a takeover of the station. Two (totally opposite personality types who had NO connection to radio) people were on the air talking with the morning jocks and news people about how they had staged a coup and had purchased the station and license out from under the owner/manager. He, of course, was out of town and not available for comment.

They had the area really going there for several hours. Several of us caught on early in the game, but didn't give it away. I called the news manager (we have known each other for a loooooonnnnngggg time) and, off the air, told him that I had caught on and realized what the date was. We laughed together and he told me that the joke would be revealed during the noon news hour.

Anyway, those were just pure fun.

I don't like mean pranks - those played on me or on anyone else. There's not much sense to them at all.

Hmmmmm - maybe next year a bunch of us can trade blogs for a day for April Fool's Day. ;-) Naaahhhhh, we'll just forget, huh?

Have a wonderful day. If it stays warm like this I think that two wheeled beauty might find her way out of the confines of the garage. Snow and ice? Who cares. I wanna ride.

see ya.

Posted by Purplemoose at April 1, 2005 11:51 AM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau