June 30, 2005

Thunder & Lightening!

Yeah, so what, you might ask. Well, it is just extremely unusual for our area of Alaska to have thunder storms. We have seen 3 or 4 roll through since we came home from vacation. (What is Alaska trying to tell us?)

Out for my walk just before 6 a.m. this morning - didn't get far before it began to rain. A bit further and it was really coming down. But I did my 3.5 miles anyway. ;-) It felt good. I had just gotten home and was taking off my shoes when we heard the thunder. Glad I was home when that started.

Here are a couple more pictures.


looks like the Moose found a buddy . . . look closer:

Stone Mountain Georgia. Nope, didn't go in, but stopped for a picture.

Those of you whose addresses I had received postcards saying something like: Mr. Moose and I were joined by 50,000 of our closest friends in the Dome. Here are just a few of them. Too dark for a good shot.

And, this is my Aunt Barbie

We had a lovely visit with her and my Uncle George while in Ohio. I wish I could get back there more often to visit with them. She is the last of my mother's siblings, the baby of the family. ;-) She and Uncle George both celebrated their birthdays last week - AND - their anniversary, too! Happy Day, you two.

One last pic for tonight:


This was a harbinger of the weather to come. Lovely shot, though.

'night, friends.

Posted by Purplemoose at June 30, 2005 11:01 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau