August 01, 2005

Pardon my drool

There is a place in our town where many people go for lunch. It's sort of a drive-in with a view. Not everyone eats - but a lot do. Some come with friends/loved ones and some come alone.

We nose our cars towards the view and settle in for awhile. Some crank up the tunes (durn 'em) and others roll down the windows to catch nature's symphony. I'm in the latter category (as if you couldn't figure that out by the "durn 'em" comment, huh?). I roll down the windows just a bit, move my seat back, tilt the steering wheel up, recline the seat and settle in for a bit of a snooze.

Today, it seems I wasn't the only one to drift off while listening to the gulls fight over salmon scraps. When my watch beeped at 12:45 (yes, I have to use an alarm!) I sat up and stretched, looked around and several others nearby were leaned back in their own dream world.

Kind of nice - that we can feel safe enough to drift away for a short refresher. Well, yes, my doors were locked, but that is because I hadn't taken the key out of the ignition. But we were all safe enough.

overlooking the mouth of the Kenai River.

overlooking Cook Inlet

overlooking the commercial fleet of fishing boats

overlooking some of God's prettiest country

lulled to sleep by the sounds of the outgoing tide and the gulls

and by the radio a couple of cars away

resting without a care for what is going on in the outside world.

very nice.



have a great Tuesday, everyone.

could you hand me a tissue, I think I might have drooled a tad.

Posted by Purplemoose at August 1, 2005 11:33 PM

Oh Barbara I can so relate! I often drive down to the beach, lay the seat back roll the window down and just zone!!! nuttin better.

Posted by: mary lou at August 2, 2005 12:37 PM

How lucky you are!!
What a wonderful way to revitalize and refresh.
I can't be there, but I think I shall "steal" your picture so I can put it as wallpaper and look at it and pretend!!

Posted by: Pat at August 3, 2005 04:12 PM

"could you hand me a tissue, I think I might have drooled a tad."

Looks like there was more than a tad in those pictures.... High tide.... or was it droool?

I love your pictures mom. Mr. Bug and I just went there for dinner the other night. We too enjoyed the picnic in our car.

Posted by: Ladybug at August 4, 2005 12:53 AM

I'm totally there!

My kind of country and living rituals.


Posted by: liljif at August 6, 2005 12:08 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau