August 13, 2005



Each year the agency I work for holds a run to raise awareness of the domestic violence problem in our area. Today was the day - it takes a year to plan - and many hands to make light work.

The first runner - 5k race - crossed the line in about 22 minutes. The first 10k runner crossed the line in just about 45 minutes!

I used to run - back when I had knees. Oh, wait - that's the reason I don't have knees! ;-) But, my fastest 10k time was 1:05 - nowhere near today's times. Sigh!

Oh to be young again.


But - I am worn out. There is a lot of work in putting on the run - most of it is accomplished in bits and pieces throughout the year, but so much is done right there at the very end. All employees (for the most part) have part in planning and facilitating the run. We each have our areas of "expertise" and then on race day each of us is assigned a spot either as safety personnel or one of the timers, etc.

oh, by the way - that misty stuff in the background of the photo? Cold, misty fog which rolled in early this morning! We expected a weekend just like the rest of the week has been - sunny and H.O.T. - but got cold, misty fog. While it is better for runners to have cool weather, this was a bit different. We were all shivering by the end of the day. And, my hands are still cold. ;-)

It's a lot of fun - but it's a lot of work.

And, I just realized I forgot a doctor's appointment I had set up for today. It was important that I keep that appointment - apparently not so important, however, for me to remember it. Sigh. So a question will remain unanswered prior to my little procedure Tuesday morning. Guess I will have to do what I should be doing anyway - trust in the Lord. His hand will be on me and that is all that I could ask.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at August 13, 2005 06:13 PM

You should feel good about the successful event, way-ta-go!

Posted by: Paul at August 14, 2005 03:47 AM

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