August 18, 2005

It was a dark and

stormy night . . .

Well, not so much stormy - yet - as it is dark. And, boyhowdy, I wish I had video capability for this blog (not even sure there IS such a thing) - wish I could show you just how fast those clouds are scudding along out there.




The above pics will give you a bit of an idea. Maybe - concentrate on the clouds between the house and the tree. You can see the changes. I was clicking the shots off - 1 - 2 - 3. Well, there WAS a bit of a time lapse between 2 and 3. I was being entertained by a coupla young punks who were teasing Lessa's dog. They had no clue they could move as fast as they did when Sacha lunged at them. She made it to the end of her chain, but not before they had hotfooted it down the road. ;-) It was a dumb move on their part.

Of course, we all know that she would just lick them to death, but they don't know that. Heh

Have a great weekend, everyone. We are headed back to Anchortown tomorrow morning. Hubby has a final exam to take. He is in the other room studying and taking practice exams and sweating bullets right now. Poor guy.

We intend to stay OFF the road where we got hit a couple of weeks ago. ;-) My back can't take another hit - AND - we are taking the car this time, so I really don't want to be hit.

So - what are all of YOU doing this weekend. Have a safe one.

Posted by Purplemoose at August 18, 2005 10:10 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau