September 05, 2005

Getting back to normal (?)

for lack of a better title - not sure that any of us will be exactly normal for awhile. But we are all making a stab at it.

The kiddos will go back to school tomorrow - even the Pup who has tonsils the size of Texas according to her mama. I will be going back to work - even though my heart is not really in it. I don't think any of us have the heart to do what we know we must do.

And, yet, we must. Lessa must continue on making a home for her youngsters and herself. My hubby and I continue on - Ladybug and her family continue on. We have this hole in our hearts (also the size of Texas) but we still go on as we must.

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I have pretty much stayed out of the many online discussions about Katrina - mostly because of what has been going on in our personal space. But partly because I am speechless because of what those folks are going through. And, I am stricken by the furor and anger and angst I have seen in the online community as well. There is anger aimed at the President - at the federal government - at the local government - and much fist shaking going on.

There are philosophical and religious discussions as well.

I try not to rock the boat - because I like to keep my feet dry - because I am self-protective, not self-destructive.

and yet . . . .

I listened to this message this morning - you may go to the following page and click on "Listen Now" - We live by permission, not by good management - Alistair Begg, Katrina and God's Providence

Do I believe in an all-powerful, all-wise, all-suffecient God? I do - with all of my heart. Do I believe that He was in control of the elements that caused the hurricane and the flooding? I do indeed.

Do I believe that this same God was the "cause" of the looters and other evil doers afterwards? I do not - I do believe that He knows and sees - but the evil that is going on is overseen by the fallen one, the beautiful one, the angel of light.

Will this end someday? Yes. satan's reign is not forever - he and his minions will lose the war. King Jesus will return and will reign eternally. God has for-ordained this.

may we each one be ready.

Posted by Purplemoose at September 5, 2005 05:30 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau