October 01, 2005


ravens Sept.29,2005
of ravens

According to this site a group of ravens is called a "Storytelling of Ravens".

Now, how very appropriate is that???

Both Coyote and Raven are driven by greed: Raven's for food, Coyote's for more carnal pleasures. A Tlingit storyteller says that "Raven never got full because he had eaten the black spots off his own toes. He learned about this after having inquired everywhere for some way of bringing such a state about. Then he wandered through all the world in search of things to eat."

Raven plays a big part in Tlingit lore. And, from the photo above you can see the truth of this statement.

btw - a group of crows is often called "a murder of crows", which is all I could think of as I drove by the park and saw these busybodies looking for tasty morsels. ;-)

Have a delightful weekend, everyone. And, oh, btw - go on over and see Faith's news and welcome her back to the land of blogging.

Posted by Purplemoose at October 1, 2005 12:04 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau