October 21, 2005

same place -

3 different days

Cooper Landing 10-15-05

That, my friends, is Termination Dust

three days later - same mountain

It has moved down a bit further

two days after that

a bit of a warming trend finds some of the dust receding, but it is there to stay, my friends, there to stay.

I got some pretty shots up the road aways - the above were taken in Cooper Landing at a rest area. We always stop there to stretch even though it is only about an hour from home - just makes good sense to walk around a bit, relieve ourselves, and then proceed. We have a couple of places that we do that. Just breaks up the road monotony. (#2 daughter likes to say that between us we know every bathroom stop between here and Anchorage - heh)

Here is one more shot for today:

towards Summit Lake

It's getting to be THAT time of the year - guess I should go get those studs put on the car. Sigh.

Posted by Purplemoose at October 21, 2005 06:25 PM

This year I am not going to say anything about snow. Not a word about how much I like it. I won't even say how how Alaska's termination dust reminds me that my own snow is close at hand. Nope. Not a word.


Posted by: Lisa at October 21, 2005 08:16 PM

'Termination Dust'...(I like that) *grin*

Posted by: Paul at October 23, 2005 04:14 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau