October 24, 2005


snowperson of the year:

1st snowman

Cool this morning with frost on the pumpakins - okay, on the windshields. That means that the little artist will have a drawing for me - on the hood of the car - when I leave for work this morning. ;-)

There are more first snow pics over at Lessa's place. (good thing I checked that link - she moved herself on me!)

You know, it's been a tough coupla months around Family Way (our nickname for our street - mostly because at one time both girls and their chosen lived here and at that time both girls were preggers - heh, we are soooo punny)

Roughest on Lessa and the Boy, the Girl, and the Pup.

But our family is strong and will come through this also. Lessa is strong - stronger that even she knows, I think. How do you tell your children how extremely proud you are of them - how much you love them?

Why, you say it here where everyone and their brother can read it, of course.

I have two gorgemous daughters. I love you both!!! (equally, separately, unashamedly, darn it - now quit arguing! about who is my favorite) I couldn't be prouder of you and I am so thankful for those grandbabies!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for letting me be a part of your children's lives.

Well, that soooooooooo did not go where it started to go, did it?

Here's the thing, folks. We only have today to tell our loved ones that they are loved. Turn around from the computer - back away slowly - and then RUN out into the other room and give your mate/chosen one/kiddo/grandkiddo a squeeze and a heart-breathed "love you". Go on now - I'm leaving, too.


Posted by Purplemoose at October 24, 2005 08:58 AM

Oh we won't argue - we all know I'm the favorite. *preen*

*mwah* love you to momma.

Posted by: Lessa at October 24, 2005 02:34 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau