October 28, 2005

Clear, Cold Kenai

Did I mention Cold???

Well, actually today we had a heat wave. Temps yesterday were in the mid-teens while today they hovered in the low-mid thirties. Ahhhhh heat wave! Toss those mukluks and parkas aside - it's just like Hawaii . . . well, not exactly.

But it did feel warmer!

The nice thing about crisp, clear, cold days is that middle one - clear. All the better to get some very neat pictures, my dearies.

And, so the trusty digital and I took a bit of a drive Wednesday:


Here's Mt. Redoubt (pronounced Read-out) across Cook Inlet from us. Lots of termination dust there! Mt. Iliamna and Mt. Spurr were also quite appealing, but I couldn't get a clear shot. Sometimes the naked eye can see more than the camera's eye.

I took a drive through Old Town Kenai to get the next couple of shots:


This building is sinking lower and lower each year. It is on church property, I believe, so that would be why the City of Kenai does nothing about it.

And, here is a shot of

3 cupolas
Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary Church

Click on the picture to go to a website with a lot of information on the Russian Orthodox traditions and lifestyle of those who live in Kenai.

Okay - I'm outta here. Lightning did NOT strike twice tonight - we did NOT win the money from the library fundraiser - not even one of the lesser prizes. Sigh. Guess once was enough for us, huh?

Posted by Purplemoose at October 28, 2005 10:57 PM

Thanks, Moosie!

Posted by: dan at October 29, 2005 12:06 AM

there is absolutely nothing prettier than a cold, clear, crisp ALaska day!!! I love Fall there. Termination dust is on our peaks too.

Posted by: mary lou at October 29, 2005 10:53 PM

Hey I just told your comments to remember. Now I can't remember the words I planned on dropping here. lol

Posted by: bb at October 30, 2005 06:14 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau