November 07, 2005


In today's mail:



from my Aunt B. in Ohio. She tells me that my Mother gave these to her a long time ago. I believe she said that Mom made them - Mom had a ceramics period - lots of ash trays and such.

When we visited my aunt in August she showed these to me and said that she wanted me to have them - to remember Mom by - and to remember her by. They arrived today.

They are really sweet. The Moose population is keeping an eye (or lots of eyes) on them for me.

In other news . . .

Just how cold is it, Moosie?
at 8:35 a.m. today it was 5 degrees.


at 5:05 tonight it had gotten clear up to 9 degrees!

It really didn't go up much higher all day long. I think it said 9 degrees at noon.

You see, Dan??? I have a REASON to whine. (and to dress in layers - heh)


Posted by Purplemoose at November 7, 2005 11:51 PM

Man, I'd be layered in battery-powered thermals!

Posted by: dan at November 8, 2005 12:38 AM

Grandma was so tallented. Those are Beautifull. I am happy that she sent those to you. WOW! I wonder if she made those because they looked like her two girls... you think? Perty momma Pertey.

*G* about Dan. It isnt that bad. I still have a nack of going outside without my coat on. I am a bad girl. One of these days I will pay for it. But it isnt that bad. Not for a fast jont to the car or the neighbors.

Posted by: Ladybug at November 8, 2005 12:08 PM

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