November 18, 2005

Better Days 4



a much photographed house. I've shown it here before as has Lessa just recently. You can find it near the Russian Orthodox Church in Old Towne Kenai. It's getting more and more ramshackle.

The first photo here shows that one of the walls has been pushed inward. Not sure if it is happening because of settling action or if it is vandalism. I took a couple of shots of the interior, but don't want to share those with you. It is very disturbing to see litter and such.

I'm not really trying to show you a seedy side of Alaska, you see. In their own way these places are quite picturesque. They have a lot of history - even if we don't know what that history might be. If these walls could talk. Imagine a family or an old crusty bachelor sitting at a table inside this cabin.

Look at the tongue and groove detailing on the logs at the corners.

I wonder how many more winters this place has left in it?

Posted by Purplemoose at November 18, 2005 12:33 AM

Is anything done there to retain some of these old structures?

Posted by: bonnie at November 18, 2005 06:18 AM

I remember driving past girdwood and seeing an old bldg in the swamp, that used to be on dry land before the BIG ONE. I was amazed at how much the land had dropped!

Posted by: mary lou at November 18, 2005 02:04 PM

Mary Lou, that building is still there - still sinking slowly into the muck. It also is a much photographed building. I don't think it has as long as this building, though.

Bonnie - it's a long story about why some of these buildings are not refurbished for historical reasons. Suffice it to say it has much to do with cultural relations and we'll leave it at that.

Posted by: barbara at November 18, 2005 04:30 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau