October 20, 2003

it's a mystery

prplicon.jpg Sunday steps: 7573

I've been doing my banking online - oh, I know that for some of you, that is a big yawn. But, it took me awhile to make the move. For the most part it has been a good experience. I do dislike that the online statements don't show the checks in numerical order, as they did on the paper statements. But that is a minor complaint.

Generally I reconcile each month and the amounts balance. Generally. Tonight, however, there is a $92 error. That's a pretty big chunk of change - and makes me wonder why checks weren't bouncing left and right if I truly do not have that money in the account like I thought I did.

I have added and subtracted the figures in the checkbook several times tonight. I even went so far as to add and subtract the figures online. It still comes up with a pretty big $92 error. Sigh!

So, I did what any normal moose would do. I subtracted that amount from my ledger and put as an explanation: ESP (error someplace). It'll all work out in the end. And, maybe, just maybe . . . once I am used to NOT having that amount, it just might show back up somehow. Maybe it is being borrowed by the great blue ether bankers, or something like that.

Whatever - it is better safe than sorry. Right?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

First day of training went well. As the self-proclaimed queen of the 2 minute presentation, I am pleased to say that this morning I kept the attention of the attendees for a whole 15 minutes. Yay! Asked questions of the class and answered some of theirs.

The power point projector was giving the director fits. I finally left and went to one of our components and got theirs, then brought it back to her for her use. Then I finally went in to work - just in time to sign out for lunch. ;-)

I will be going back out in the morning to make sure coffee is made and there is enough juice and water, and add ice to the cooler. Then it is off to work to do whatever the director is placing in my box tonight. Yup, she went in to work after the last session today and told me that there would be some things for me to get done for her tomorrow.

Oh - I was interviewed today - by a college student whose class is compiling figures on local agencies who use volunteers. They will be developing a brochure and I asked to see one when they are finished. I am also interested in the results of a survey the class took last month.

After that the day was a blur and I am more than ready for bed. Hope your Tuesday is a great one.

Posted by Purplemoose at October 20, 2003 08:35 PM

Sounds like a busy, productive day! I'll bet it is a good kind of tired. :)

Posted by: ali at October 21, 2003 08:35 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau