October 21, 2003

Monday steps: 8650 sigh

prplicon.jpg Monday steps: 8650


sigh - that's the saddest sight to a biker . . . the rides are getting tucked away into a nice warm storage unit for the winter. ;-( No more rides until April or May. Well, maybe March if the winter is a mild one like last year. We will see. But, for now, they are all tucked up safe and sound. And - if we ever get the garage cleaned out, I could park the Saturn inside. ;-))

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Watched Dezi play basketball tonight. He is catching on - at least to the defensive part. Still working on offense. He made a couple of baskets while practicing. That's pretty big stuff to a little guy.
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Have you ever hit the wall? What do you do then - do you keep on or do you stop, shake your head and turn back?

When I'm walking on the treadmill I can go at a pretty good clip (about 2.3 mph) for around 8 minutes, then I level out to a steady 1.8 - 2 mph until I reach about 20 minutes. Suddenly I am at the wall - it is a choice, sometimes a struggle, to continue or to quit.

As my stamina increases and my legs get stronger I have been able to continue on - I now walk for 35 minutes. What I have found is that if I will just continue on steadily I can get over the wall and to the other side. At about 30 minutes I am feeling like I could continue on for quite awhile. Tonight I forced myself to stop at 35 even though I considered adding another 5 minutes.

Back in September when I began this I was only able to walk for 15 minutes, so I have come a little way. Steady increases, steady improvement.

There are walls to be conquered every day - you have some, I have some. Sometimes they can be as little as avoiding a fattening dessert or piece of chocolate. Sometimes they are major walls - decisions about what to do with one's life, personal or business.

The trick I have been trying to learn is to keep on - moving steadily forward - until the wall has been mounted and overcome. Those steady victories are all the sweeter when viewed from the other side of the wall.

Posted by Purplemoose at October 21, 2003 10:24 PM

When I'm doing lap swimming I hit that very same wall. There's a point about 10-15 minutes in where I think, "this is it, today I'm just going to quit early, I'm exhausted, etc." At first I did give in to that, but eventually I pushed through it, and another twenty or more minutes can go by quite quickly from there.

Posted by: jadedju at October 22, 2003 02:47 PM

yay, you! We are the wall pushers!! Yay, us!!

Posted by: barbara at October 22, 2003 08:08 PM

Both of you are awesome for even doing the exercise, much less "hitting the wall" and continuing! I've been out of work for a few weeks now and I need to get my butt in gear. My oldest left her expensive and much to heavy to move elliptical contraption and I've only been on it once or twice this whole time. You give me inspiration!

Posted by: ali at October 24, 2003 11:30 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau