October 27, 2003

Order of business

prplicon.jpg Sunday steps: 7147

First of all, I'd like to say my heart and my prayers go out to batty and Jon and everyone who is in CA and in the path of destruction. I haven't been online today, so know very little of what is going on with you all - stay safe.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Under the next order of business . . .

thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my friends who underwent kidney surgery today - one to give and one to receive. I heard early this afternoon that the recipient was doing quite well - he had his new kidney and it was producing urine in the OR before they could even get him sewn back up. That is a great answer to prayer.

The donor is also doing well and I understand that her kidney was able to be taken by arthroscopic method, which is a whole lot less invasive than the surgery her husband underwent in the 80s to give his kidney to his brother. She may be able to be released tomorrow or the next day. How is THAT for modern science and miracles?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

last order of business - more phone tales.

time: 5:00 a.m.
snork, wha', huh?

stagger stagger stagger out to the front door (which we never use, choosing to enter the house through the garage)
who is it? ::clearing throat:: WHO IS IT? (no way I'm going to open the door unless I know)

KPD, Ma'am
wha? huh? (opening door a crack) what's wrong?

KPD - we have a report of a 9-1-1 hang-up and an open line at this residence - may we come in?
erm - let me go get a robe on, okay?

(open door upon return to allow male and female from Kenai's finest to enter domain)
Ma'am, we have a 9-1-1 hang-up and open line here - is everything okay?
(rubbing eyes against the bright living room lights) yeah, we were sleeping - we had trouble with the phones last night and he (hubby) went out and tightened wires - the phone was fine when we went to bed

Mind if I look around? (he strolls from room to room with flashlight into every room and even the linen closet) while female officer stands in the front room and reassures me when I apologize for the rat's nest my house is in (my mother would be mortified) I'm sorry, please don't mind the messy house - we've been going 24x7 lately.that's all right, ma'am, we woke you up

male officer returns to living room, and calls in an all clear to the dispatcher - then pulls out notebook to ask my name as I continue to rub my eyes and weave sleepily in place. Purple Moose (not my real name)
You were my pre-school teacher.
Huh? no, I wasn't - wait, who ARE you?
dashing young officer (not his real name)
OMG! I WAS your pre-school teacher.

absolute mortification - tempered by gentle reassurance - then hubby went back to bed after disconnecting the phone line completely so there would be no more phantom 9-1-1 calls. He commenced to snore as I sat in my chair knowing full well that I dare not go back to bed as I needed to be up in half an hour anyway.

So, I sat and began to rock, and suddenly I began to chuckle . . . Oh, Lord, you have a wonderful sense of humor, don't you? You knew I wanted to be up early to pray for my friends' surgeries and you just made sure I would be fully awake.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

so, how was YOUR day?

Posted by Purplemoose at October 27, 2003 08:42 PM

HEE HEE HEE..... See that will teach you!... Love you mom. and I so enjoyed the fact that it was TWO yourger ones that you KNOW..... LOL..... look at them now all succesfull and good stuff like that. Hmmmmmmmm........ I am seeing that in my babysitting kids. *POUTS* hard getting old.....

Posted by: ladybug at October 28, 2003 07:44 AM

LOL - Now *that* is a *morning!* :-D

Posted by: JeanNINE at October 28, 2003 11:39 AM

That's funny!

Posted by: Lisa at October 28, 2003 12:25 PM

Great story, but are you sure his name wasn't Dashing Young Officer?

Posted by: jadedju at October 28, 2003 01:45 PM

I'm glad all has gone so well.

Now, surely you're not missing what may be the aurora light show of a lifetime tonight.

Posted by: Linda at October 28, 2003 08:54 PM

afraid so, Linda - this has been an exhausting month and I am needing those hours to sleep - best auroral viewing time is very early am for the most part. It is supposed to be seen quite far south, so you enjoy for me, okay? ;-)

Posted by: purplemoose at October 29, 2003 05:19 AM

lol, Jilly - maybe just maybe that WAS his name after all. Footnote to the story - I called the duty sgt. that morning and let him know how much I appreciated these two young officers - it is not often that they are thanked, I am thinking. And, then Tuesday I called the police chief about another matter and thanked him as well. Of course, the best part about all of this is the place at which I work, the domestic violence shelter. If it had been true, it would have been the saddest part of all this, wouldn't you say?

Posted by: purplemoose at October 29, 2003 05:22 AM

:) Lately it seems like many of the young men and women in police uniforms seem like they're too young to have a drivers license--that's how I know I'm getting older.

Never heard of arthroscopic surgery for kidneys! Amazing! Glad that they're doing well and will continue with prayers.

Posted by: ali at October 30, 2003 08:46 AM

Ali, I have to correct myself - it was laproscopic surgery - what we call bellybutton surgery - still I hadn't heard of it for kidneys, either, and I think that her surgeon developed it there at Swedish Hospital. News tonight is that both are doing very well.

Posted by: barbara at October 30, 2003 08:38 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau