October 29, 2003

hoo-ha (title in honor of batty)

prplicon.jpg Monday steps: 9318 Tuesday steps: 8067

I understand that our friends are recovering quite well from the surgeries. The recipient is improving in leaps and bounds - talked for quite awhile today to our pastor - and he has not been up to long conversations for quite awhile. The donor is feeling a mite poorly, but nothing unexpected. Your prayers for continued healing are appreciated.

Took lunch hour early today so that I could go to Dezi's school and watch the halloween parade - it is always such fun. The principal goes into a room and takes a student by the hand, leads them down the hall to the next classroom where they parade through so that class can see their costumes - then the students from that class tag on to the end of the first class and on to the next classroom, and so forth until each room has been visited by every student in the school and each class has gotten to parade. Phew! That is SOME run-on sentence. It is always fun to see the costumes each year - some store bought, some hand made, some scraps and ingenuity inspired others.

Miss Kinzie came along in her Tinkerbell costume mama made - and without a look back took a teacher's hand and paraded along with her brother. She had a wonderful time. She had just been to a party at her physical therapist's office. One of the treats that was given was for the parents. It was a bag of candies with the following inscription: (what a great idea, btw)

Parents Emergency Coping Kit
LIfe Saver - to help when you feel like going under
Smarties - to help you on those days you don't feel smart
Chocolate Kiss - to remind you that you are loved
Tootsie Roll - to remind you not to bite off more than you can chew
Starburst - to give you a burst of energy on days you don't have any
Snickers - to remind you to take time to laugh, even at yourself
Treasure - to remind you to take time to enjoy life's treasures
(birthday) Candle - to keep your fire going when you feel burnt out
Bag - to help keep it all together.

Isn't that cute? I am going to suggest that our CCAP office do something like this for the upcoming Health Fair in March. We take tables and lots of agency information to hand out, and this would be a neat thing for Child Care Assistance Program, don't you think?

Had to adjust my hours today - left work at 3 p.m., came home and walked 45 minutes on the treadmill, then showered and went back on the clock to attend the annual membership meeting. All of the supervisors were to be there to answer any questions the board of directors might have about our programs. We had submitted information for the packets, but each had to give a synopsis of the info, hitting on any highlights.

And, then my program was under review by the board - they review two each year. I was pleasantly (relieved) surprised when there were no questions or concerns raised with the program - in fact one of the board members praised the volunteer program. That is very nice to hear.

Anyway, the meeting adjourned just after 7, so I was able to rush out and still make Wednesday services without being too late.

The board and the membership okayed an agency name change so a lot of things that have been on hold can now proceed - it's a good thing, too, because we are entirely out of letterhead and only have about 30 envelopes left. One of the first things we will need to do is order stationery.

And, my special projects have all been on hold waiting for the name change, too. So, they can now proceed. Yay!

Well, guess I should get off here - you all have a wonderful Thursday.

Posted by Purplemoose at October 29, 2003 09:36 PM

Sounds like fun at your grandkid's school! And little Tinkerbell feels comfy there, how cool is that?

Ohhh! Gonna have to steal the Parent's Emergency Coping Kit! I've seen similar ones with various items but this one is the best yet!

Posted by: ali at October 30, 2003 08:52 AM

I have to admite that I LOVE the idea of you giving to the parents that are going in there. and you know I was thinking. it would be a cute thing to give out to the new moms in the WIC office when they come in too. what a cute thing to give out.

well Ali. I must say that the little ones are comfortable in the school becouse we have a good school system here. I know that they fail kids. and some fall throught hte cracks. But Dezi;s principal was once mine. and he is a wonderfull man. even when I was in his office he still made you feel like a human and that is the difference. you arent JUST a KID in his eyes. you are a human and he expects certain things from you . that makes you wnat to live up to him.

Than all the little ones. like Kinzie... well they fall to him. a good guy he is. and his teachers in the school are just as incredable.

And this Grandma Moosie. is the best. thank goodness she came to it too. I was late. Hmmf. But I still got there. and what fun it was. thank you moosie for once again comeing through!

Posted by: ladybug at October 30, 2003 07:20 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau