November 02, 2003

long lost relatives

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Came home this afternoon to a message from my aunt - news about a cousin of mine. I called to discover that my cousin had passed away on the 24th, and my aunt wanted to know if I had been told. Nope. (this, btw, was not the daughter of said aunt) I was glad that I had gotten to visit with this cousin the last time I was in Ohio, three or four years ago. Sorry our visit could not have been longer.

We always have those kinds of regrets.

But, my aunt then told me about this cousin's son. He had been asking her about his family history, which for many and varied reasons, he knows very little about. She said that she is gathering some things for him, but was sorry that he had not given her his phone number or address. She knew about where he lived (town and state) and that he was an attorney.

Well, Aunt B___, I will go and google him to see if I can get that info for you.

And, surely enough, it only took me about five minutes to find him - complete with home address and phone number. So I did what any red-blooded Alaskan would do (after calling my aunt with his information) - I made a bit of my own fun - I called him up.

And we had a lovely chat.

We exchanged email addresses, addresses, and the like, and chatted about family memories. I said something about him being a lot younger than I, only to find out that he is a little less than 4 years younger -- so we are essentially the same age.

I just sent him a long email telling him all he ever wanted to know (and perhaps a bit more) about his long lost Alaskan cousin. I hope I didn't scare him away. ;-))

And, how was your Sunday?

Posted by Purplemoose at November 2, 2003 10:57 PM

Sorry to hear of your cousin's passing. Funny how the Universe works and brings other family members closer. Do you have your family history written down?

Posted by: ali at November 3, 2003 12:22 AM

It is sad to hear that another one is gone. But than again. Someone that I never got to know. I am sorry that you have lost another family member mom.

Now about the cousin once removed. Is there anything that would truely scare him away. come on mommie it is you mam' and that is not scary at all.. LOVE YOU... *hugs and kisses to you *

Posted by: ladybug at November 3, 2003 01:03 PM

It's unfortunate that this death was the reason to have made the phone call, but how lovely to get to know a cousin. I'm sorry about the passing of your (other) cousin.

Posted by: jadedju at November 3, 2003 08:20 PM

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