November 03, 2003


prplicon.jpg Sunday steps: 6648

Back to my regular work week today - it felt good to be in my office. But I did find myself out in the main area several times to chat with the new receptionist. She is doing a great job - picking things up, and there are a lot of things to pick up, truly. She has a quiet personality, but I sense a strength there and that is needed in that position.

We have two people at a conference the beginning of this week, our director and one of the advocates. So, it is a bit quieter than usual. I was able to get my stats for the month of October done today. They are due on the 5th, so I am ahead of the game. It is hard sometimes because I depend on several other people to get their stats to me in order to combine them all. Then I pass them on to the administrative assistant. One person told me today that the stats weren't due until the 10th and I had to say yes, but mine were due the 5th - it is the AA whose are due the 10th, so she needs to get mine before then. Sigh. Usually the person who is at the conference gets them to me, so it was a bit out of the norm. All things work out, though, and I had them before the end of the day.

Tomorrow it is report time - have to compile it all into a nice and neat one page report for the director.

Tomorrow I also have a photo shoot - several area men who are willing to be photographed and posterized. ;-)) I wrote a grant funding this and a few other projects last year and now is the time it all comes together. I baked a coffee cake tonight to take in tomorrow - yes, a bribe of sorts.

Oh, speaking of bribes - did anyone else watch The Average Joe tonight? What a concept - really puts some preconceived notions at risk, doesn't it? I feel sorry for the guys, but you know they had to know what was coming, right?

Don't really care for the premise of these "reality" shows much. There is too much twisting of hearts and psyches for me. I try to be a really open person - without hurting anyone's feelings if I can at all help it. So, when I see a premise that is aimed at doing just that, well, it sort of rankles on me.

And, yet, I watched it. So what does that say about me?

On another note - I bought some New Balance shoes Saturday and they really help on the treadmill - they grab the tread and you can really zip along. Of course, I have raised (and popped) a humongous blister on my right heel. Ouch! Will have to keep an eye on it. Tonight in my 45 minutes, however, I made it through every one of the mardi gras beads . . . . twice! Yup, 4000 steps in 45 minutes. I was kicking it at about 3.5 mph pace during the first 10 minutes - slowed down to about 2 for the next 20 and then kicked it back up to 2.4 during the last 15.

Tonight they had a second sign up for 10000 step participants. I know they had room for another 125 to join. Several people I know were planning to go over to sign up. I hope they all made it onto the program. It just helps to be held responsible - for reporting steps and weight and such. Being held accountable makes you more conscious of doing what you have said you would.

Anyway, that's enough deep thinking for one night. Hope your Tuesday is great.

Posted by Purplemoose at November 3, 2003 10:35 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau