November 04, 2003

birthdays and rants

prplicon.jpg Sunday steps: 6648
Monday steps: 8909

think I'll keep a running tally for this week.

First and foremost . . . Happy Birthday to Linky! May you have many more happy days. (ya kid ya!)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Office politics: Gah! never, never, NEVER tell anyone in your office what your salary is - me? nope, I didn't. Someone got wind of some grant information and made some big (and very wrong assumptions) about the salaries of many people. All I could say (once I realized what was going on and being said behind my back) was that I did not make what they were assuming I make.

I attribute all of the sniping and such to the budget cuts our agency (and every other non-profit domestic violence shelter in the state) suffered this year - to the salary freezes - to the (very small) co-pay on our insurance we are being asked to contribute - to the holidays coming and no bonuses forthcoming. Yup, that'll do it, all right.

And, then if even one person thinks that another makes a bit more than they do . . . well, then you have some morale issues.

Personally, I am thankful for each and every paycheck I receive. I am blessed to have this job, to have the opportunity to work in this field. After working with my hubby for no pay for 20+ years . . . after being a small business owner for nearly 25 years . . . after having NO insurance for 15 of those years . . . after raising our girls on very small take home (and no welfare, mind you) . . . I find it hard not to give more than 100% at my job each day.

I know that there are a number of people who could (and would, if the opportunity arose) replace me at my job. I know that my position is a dispensable one, one that the agency could survive without a person filling it. I know that I have a solid work ethic and while there are times I may feel that I am overpaid, I am simply being paid the salary I was offered when I was hired. I didn't ask for it, would have been happy with less, even.

Do I think I deserve it? Not really. Do I think I work for it? Yes, indeedy. Would I miss it if it were gone? You betcha. Do I question what other people in our organization make? No - it is plainly none of my business.

wish others could see it that way, too.

There was stiff competition for the receptionist position we recently filled. People know that this is a good place to work - well, at least the people outside of the agency who want to get in know that it is a good place to work.

My bread is buttered quite well - I hope to keep it butter side up.


Posted by Purplemoose at November 4, 2003 10:32 PM

Ahem. Something tells me that you don't get paid nearly enough, but I do understand the feeling of not deserving the salary I earn.

Posted by: jadedju at November 5, 2003 05:00 PM

awww, thank you, Jilly. I am better about this today. Life goes on.

Posted by: purplemoose at November 5, 2003 05:21 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau