November 11, 2003


prplicon.jpgSunday steps: 5768
Monday steps: 9362

Still feeling a mite puny - was a slug all day. Chicken tomato soup for dinner, echinacea tea during the day, lozenge right now . . . maybe better tomorrow. I'll go in at least for awhile and see how I do. There is a meeting I am supposed to attend, so we'll see.

Husband went into town to rent a movie before I could tell him that daughter had one we could borrow. And, wouldn't you know it - that is precisely the one he rented. We watched the Core. It was good - in a cheesy, predictable sort of way.

But, does Aaron Eckhart remind anyone else of Patrick Swayze? Not his looks so much, although there is a slight resemblance, but his voice . . . I kept saying all through the movie - I wonder if he is Patrick Swayze's brother? So I went looking on the net for the actor's name - because hubby cannot abide to sit through credits at the end of any movie - and see that it is Aaron Eckhart. Ah well, he was good, nonetheless.

I know, I know, you have probably all seen the movie in the theater already. We don't do the theaters very often. (unless it is a Star Trek hubby wants to see) We wait for them to come out into the rental stores.

Well, this is going to be short - I need to get to bed. It's not so much that I am tired right this second, (I have been snoozing on and off all day) but I know that if I don't I will be truly wasted in the morning.

see you tomorrow.

Posted by Purplemoose at November 11, 2003 10:30 PM

Well mossie. I am hopeing that you feel better. if you would like I would be more than happy to bring you a little soup at the shelter tomarrow. Gotta keep you young and healthy! Lov eyou

Posted by: Ladybug at November 11, 2003 10:45 PM

Echinacea is good stuff--hope it helps!

Posted by: ali at November 16, 2003 10:41 PM

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